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Gratitude to Allah -Azza Wa Jalla 05



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:

And another example is that iron, copper and metal and the likes stand in place of both gold and silver in order to accommodate liquids, thus, they should never be replaced with gold or silver.

Therefore, whoever doesn’t understand this wisdom, it is clearly stated to him as mentioned by the Rasūl sallallāhu a’layhi wasallam:

_من شرب في إناء ذهب أو فضة، فإنما يجرجر في بطنه نار جهنم._

_Whoever drinks in vessels of gold and silver, he has in fact drank down in his belly the fire of Hell._

Transmitted by Imām Muslim#2065.

And likewise, the one who applies Riba to money and coins, has indeed nullified their goals.

Hence, this is an example of the wisdom behind money which is hidden to many people, thus, one is recommended to apply the expression of gratitude and its ingratitude in this example to all other affairs.

And of it is that Allāh Has created two hands and He made one of it to be stronger than the other, hence, the stronger one commands more honor, and indeed, Allāh Has held you in need of certain deeds by giving you the two hands, some of the deeds are honorable such as taking Mus’af (Qur’ān), and some are khasīsah, such as getting rid of najāsah.

Thus, when the Qur’ān is handled with the left hand and the najāsah is removed with the right, then the goal of the two hands have been misplaced, for specifying that which is honor with what is Khasīsah, is oppression in itself.

Likewise in case of two legs, if the left leg is first used in the wearing of shoes or khuf, one has indeed oppressed the right leg, because the shoes protect the legs which is something that’s honorable.

Moreover, whoever breaks the branch of a tree without any tangible reason or goal, has indeed contradicted the wisdom behind the creation of the tree, because it was created for use, and if it was done for a rightful reason, then it is acceptable, and if it is done in the tree which belongs to others, then it is oppression even if such a person is in dire need except with the permission of its owner.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

7th Safar,1440H.




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