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_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_


The Rasūl sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam said:

_لا يجتمع الشح والإيمان في قلب عبد أبد._

_Faith and greediness are never combined in the heart of a servant._

Transmitted by Imām Al-Bukhāri in ‘Al-Adabu Al-Mufrad’#281. Shaykh Al-Albāni declared it as Sahih in ‘Mishkātu Al-Masābīh.'(3828).

Also, it is transmitted by Imām Muslim that the Rasūl sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam said:

_اللهم إني أعوذك من الجبن والبخل._

_Oh Allāh I seek refuge in You from cowardice and miserliness._

And the Nabiyy sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam also Said:

_ثلاث مهلكات: شح مطاع، وهوى متبع، وإعجاب المرء بنفسه._

_Three things destroy: The greed that is obeyed, the desires that are followed and a person being amazed with his own opinion._

Transmitted by Imām At-tabrāni in “Al-Awsath”. Shaykh Al-Albāni declared it as Hasan in ‘As-sahīhah’#1802.

Imām Al-khattābī said:

Greediness is more severe compare to miserliness in terms of lack of wanting to give out.

Suleimān Al-Fārisī said:

If a generous person died, the earth will say: O Allāh overlook the shortcomings of this Your servant in this dunya due to his generosity. And if a greedy person died, the earth will said: O Allāh screen this servant from Jannah the way he screened Your servants from what You placed in his hand in the dunya.

Some wise ones said:

The wealth of a miser is always inherited by his enemy.

A Bedouin was reported to have said about a man:

I belittled him because he magnifies the dunya.

*7th Ramadān,1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!



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