Halqah Series



Alhamdulillaahu Rabbi Al-Aalamin Was As-Salaatu Wa As-Salaamu Ala Rasulina Al-Karim Wa ‘Alaa Aalihi wasahbihi Wa Man Iqtadaa
Assalamu alaykum warahmatullaah once again!
Our topic for tonight as we have established is on THE PRINCIPLES THAT AID IN MEMORIZATION
Hope we are all in touch with what we did last week and remember where we stopped due to time? We have so far mentioned 6 principles that will aid in memorizing the Qur’an
PRINCIPLE 1: We said is ‘Ikhlaas’
PRINCIPLE 2: We said is ‘Fear of Allaah’
PRINCIPLE 3: determination
PRINCIPLE 4: Having a Teacher
PRINCIPLE 5: Planning and Scheduling
PRINCIPLE 6: Not been Hasty.
PRINCIPLE 7: Choosing the best time for memorization
         The time that the Ulamaa used to prefer is the early morning hours. Just after Subh, and the 2 – 3 hours that follow Subh time, That is because it is a time that has Barakah and the mercy of Allah descends in it.
It is reported from Al-A’mash – rahimahullah – that he once sought for someone around the time of the early morning (sahr time) and met him asleep then he said: I never thought that someone will be sleeping around this time”
Some of the Ulamaa used to say:
“من حفظ في السحر حاز الظفر”
“Whosoever memorized during the Sahr period will gain success”
The Sahr time, as we have explained is the early morning hours.
PRINCIPLE 8: Repetition.

         In fact, aside Ikhlaas, this is the most important aspect of Hifz. Repetition – to the Salaf – was favoured as the best way to commit the Qur’an and texts to memory. Imaam Ash-Shiraazi Ash-Shaafi’i said that he used to repeat each lesson of fiqh (dars) a hundred times in order to ensure that he had embedded it in his mind. Imaam Al-Kiya Al-Harrasi – rahimahullah – classmate of Imaam Ghazali used to repeat his lesson on the stairs of the Madrasa Nizamiyya, once for each of the 70 steps of the College’s flight of stairs. The Mauritanian Shaykh Ahmad bn Aaqil Ad-Dimani used to repeat his Matn over a thousand times to commit it to memory. If that is their methodology in committing to memory the mutun (texts, notes, and handouts), what do you think will be their efforts when it comes to the Qur’an? What we are saying is that Islam’s method of memorizing is much different from the western method of cramming. Our method is that of repeating as many times as possible in one single sitting.

Now, let us take an example of a memorization schedule for us to understand what we imply.
Bro. Ali wants to memorize the Qur’an. He makes his intention and determines to do so. He looks for a teacher that knows the Qur’an and the vocal rules of recitation, Unfortunately, Ali does not get any.
He therefore, looks toward himself But he already knows the basics of Tajwid, so he can attempt to go alone, He then looks at his time and days and decides to give his memorization every first 2 hours after Subh From 5:30AM to 7:30AM everyday. He then looks at himself and decides to begin from Surat An-Naba’i, Everyday he sits, he repeats one entire page 100 times Patiently and ardently, reciting audibly to aid his permanent memory in grappling, It takes him approximately 2.5 minutes to read the page once, And approximately 2 hrs to finish reciting it 100times. That was on Sunday. Then on Monday when it is 5:30AM, He spends the first 5 minutes repeating what he memorized yesterday from memory off-hand Then he proceeds by moving to the next page and repeating it 100 times for that morning.
By the end of Thursday, he would have memorized 5 pages. When it is 5:30AM on Friday, instead of adding another page, he spends his 2 hrs repeating his 5 pages Then on Saturday, instead of memorizing again or repeating the 5 pages, he seeks for someone in his neighbourhood or a friend close by that he would recite his 5 pages to. Also within his 5:30 and 7:30AM.
By this method of his, Bro Ali can memorize 20 pages in a month
If there are any days that he find it difficult to meet up, he gets sad and tries to make up for a time during the day.

That’s just an example of a well-intending, determined and serious brother who wants to memorize the Qur’an.
Its time, and we’ll pause here.**** Question 1.
Regarding second principle you made mentioned i.e fear of Allah and you said : And Allah will not combine the light of his Qur’an with the darkness of sins and hearts caprices in the same heart but i happened to got acquaintance with some individuals that they memorized the Quran very well ,to the extends that if they went for competition they always come first , in fact some of them took first in the world Quranic competition however ,my brother coming down to their behaviour ,is highly very bad and stinking .they always feel arrogance and proud. they love the dunya so much. if you interact with them you will not pray to have anything to do with them again .they always look down upon everybody .then how comes they were able to memorized the Quran without fearing of Allah and following his do and don’t aspect of the shariah?
AlhamduliLLaah! Yes that happens on many occasions but it only means that such a person did not embark on the memorization for Allah’s sake in the first place. Whenever there was no Ikhlaas, then committing sins cannot be a hindrance to memorization. But if the intention was for Allah Alone, and to propagate the Din of Allah, then committing sins and not caring what the repercussion is will lead to forgetfulness and constant inability
Allah said:
إن تتقوا الله يجعل لكم فرقان”ا
“O you who believe, if you fear Allah, He will grant you Furqaan (the wisdom, insight, criterion and firm-grasp to comprehend things and judge what is right and what is wrong)
So, this applies ONLY for the true believer who is doing everything solely for Allah. If it were not for Allah, then the rule of not sinning applies.
I.e if your initial intention was solely for Allah, then Allah will not allow you to combine sins and Islamic Knowledge in your heart at the same time.
*Question 2.
How can a woman go about with her memorization when she is in her period?
She can, while in her menses use digital Qur’an on her phone or computer. The soundest verdict upheld by the Ulamaa is the permissibility of the woman in Hayd reciting without touching/holding the mus’haf. Yes she cannot, that is the soundest verdict held by Ulamaa.
* Question 3:
What is the Islamic ruling on Quranic competitions. Pls I was meant to understand dat those people dat go for Qur’anic competition has strong memorizations.
Assalamu alaykum . The Ulamaa of this era differ on their fatwa concerning these competitions. Some declare it an innovation while others don’t. To be precise, there is nothing wrong about it if its sole purpose is to energize children and youths in memorizing the Qur’an and it is free of anything Haraam. This is the soundest verdict. Allah Knows best.
Alhamdulillah for allowing to get to the end of today’s Halqah
May Allah accept it from us as acts of ibaadah
Aameen. May Allah spare our lives to witness many more.
Subhanakallahumma wa bi hamdik ash adu an La ilaha illa anta astagfurka wa atuubu ilaik.
As salam alaykm warahmatullah wabarakaatu.


Islamnode is a platform for the dissemination of sound Knowledge of Islam and an orientation of Muslims of the Sciences of the Din in accordance with the Pristine Knowledge taught by the Rasul – Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam – to the Companions – Ridwanullah ‘Alayhim – and understood by them, their Students and those who followed them of the earliest generations. We follow the Sunnah of the Rasul – Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam – and promote the Works of the Ulama of Sunnah from the first generation to date. Our goal is to propagate the Sciences of Islam, to disseminate the sound understanding of the Salaf and to enable the sound education of Muslims in this era.

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