الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام علي رسول الكريم وعلي آله وصحبه وسلم
Assalaamu Alaykum warahmatullaah wabarakaatuh everyone
In the previous lesson, we were introducing ourselves to the Islamic Sciences and their branches. We hope to continue inshaa Allaah!
In the previous lesson, we were introducing ourselves to the Islamic Sciences and their branches. We hope to continue inshaa Allaah!
Inshaa Allaah today we will begin with the Science of LUGGA
That is the Science of the Arabic Language. Some of the Ulamaa mentioned that Lugga alone can be divided into 22 branches of knowledge, but the agreed upon is that it is divided into 14 branches. This is the choice of our Shaykh Muhammad bn Al-Hasan Ash-Shanqeeti – hafidhahullaah
We will only here, mention inshaa Allaah the most important branches of it.
That is the Science of the Arabic Language. Some of the Ulamaa mentioned that Lugga alone can be divided into 22 branches of knowledge, but the agreed upon is that it is divided into 14 branches. This is the choice of our Shaykh Muhammad bn Al-Hasan Ash-Shanqeeti – hafidhahullaah
We will only here, mention inshaa Allaah the most important branches of it.
A. Nahw
This the Science of Grammar, by it a person is able to know the way the Arabic Language works and how its words change with respect to syntax.
Imaam Ash-Shaatibi – rahimahullaah – and many other Imaams mentioned that Nahw is one of the most indispensable tools of Islamic Scholarship.
B. Sarf
That is the science of Morphology that study the words taken singly as opposed to Nahw that takes the words as they change in context and syntax. It deals with verb forms and the forms of names that are themselves derived from original verbs.
C. Al-Bayaan
It is the science that teaches the various ways in which meanings can be implied in same words. It seeks to look into ambiguation, allegory, figurative use of words, etc
D. Al-Ma’ani
It is the science that discusses the categories of Arabic words and what they are used to mean in various sentences
Imaam Ash-Shaatibi – rahimahullaah – and many other Imaams mentioned that Nahw is one of the most indispensable tools of Islamic Scholarship.
B. Sarf
That is the science of Morphology that study the words taken singly as opposed to Nahw that takes the words as they change in context and syntax. It deals with verb forms and the forms of names that are themselves derived from original verbs.
C. Al-Bayaan
It is the science that teaches the various ways in which meanings can be implied in same words. It seeks to look into ambiguation, allegory, figurative use of words, etc
D. Al-Ma’ani
It is the science that discusses the categories of Arabic words and what they are used to mean in various sentences
E. Al-Badi’i
This science teaches how to adorn and beautifully articulate words and sentences in different situations.
A combination of these last three are sometimes referred to as Ilmu Al-Balaagha
F. Al-‘Arud
This science teaches how to make rhymes and how to compose poetical lines.
G. Al-Qawaafi
It is, simply put, a completion of the previous because it teaches how to balance the use of the poetical meters
H. Mufradaat
In Mufradaat, we learn words that were used by the early Arabs and pick their use and ensure to remember them. It can be described as Lexicography
This science teaches how to adorn and beautifully articulate words and sentences in different situations.
A combination of these last three are sometimes referred to as Ilmu Al-Balaagha
F. Al-‘Arud
This science teaches how to make rhymes and how to compose poetical lines.
G. Al-Qawaafi
It is, simply put, a completion of the previous because it teaches how to balance the use of the poetical meters
H. Mufradaat
In Mufradaat, we learn words that were used by the early Arabs and pick their use and ensure to remember them. It can be described as Lexicography
I. Adab
That is simply literature.The fifth Science:
This can be described as Law or Jurisprudence. It has as many as 4 wide branches
A. Usul
It teaches us the evidences recognized in Islam, the sources of their derivations, how to recognize them and how to derive them.
B. Qawaa’id:
This teaches us the Precepts (Qawaa’id) that the Fuqahaa agreed upon and the ones they differed upon.
C. Fiq’hu al-madh’hab
This studies the texts of the Schools (madhaahib) and how they derived their evidences
D. Al-Fiq’h Al-Muqaarin
That is comparative Fiqh. There is need to perfect fiq’h al-madh’hab first, that is because this branch teaches us the differences of the various Schools
That is simply literature.The fifth Science:
This can be described as Law or Jurisprudence. It has as many as 4 wide branches
A. Usul
It teaches us the evidences recognized in Islam, the sources of their derivations, how to recognize them and how to derive them.
B. Qawaa’id:
This teaches us the Precepts (Qawaa’id) that the Fuqahaa agreed upon and the ones they differed upon.
C. Fiq’hu al-madh’hab
This studies the texts of the Schools (madhaahib) and how they derived their evidences
D. Al-Fiq’h Al-Muqaarin
That is comparative Fiqh. There is need to perfect fiq’h al-madh’hab first, that is because this branch teaches us the differences of the various Schools
The sixth science;
6. Ta’rikh!
This science basically teaches us history. Its branches:
A. As-siratu An-Nabawiyya: that is the Prophetic Seerah
B. Ta’rikh Al-Umam: which is simply put, history of the Islamic Caliphates and their decline, alongside their experiences.
C. Tabaqaat: which is written for the history of the Ulamaa, the Poets or the Professionals of all the fields
D. Malaahim Wa Al-Fitan: which is about the end of time and the things that will happen in the End Times of trials and tragedies.
E. Al-Waaqi Al-Mu’aasir: that is the science of Current Affairs.
And lastly,
7. Al-Aadaab wa ar-Raqaa’iq:
That is the science that softens our hearts, cures them from the spiritual diseases they possess and teaches us excellent and esteemed character and manners.
It is known that whosoever masters all the sciences is known as an Allaamah. I repeat, ‘masters’ That is علامه
But an Allaamah with a علامة according to our Scholars has to not only master all these sciences, but to be an authority in all of them
An ‘Aalim when used unrestrictedly is used to mean someone who knows all these sciences well enough to be able to say something regarding them, even if he did not master them. But when used restrictedly such as ‘Aalim of so and so a science, then it is meant that he mastered that particular science.
That is the way the Ulamaa of the past use these terms even though the people of this era of ours especially the Jaahils like us use them anyhow and without regard to how they should be used.
Lastly, those are the Islamic Sciences O People! If you truly want to be an ‘Aalim, then you must rise up and start to learn now.
Imaam As-Suyuti – rahimahullaah – said:
This science basically teaches us history. Its branches:
A. As-siratu An-Nabawiyya: that is the Prophetic Seerah
B. Ta’rikh Al-Umam: which is simply put, history of the Islamic Caliphates and their decline, alongside their experiences.
C. Tabaqaat: which is written for the history of the Ulamaa, the Poets or the Professionals of all the fields
D. Malaahim Wa Al-Fitan: which is about the end of time and the things that will happen in the End Times of trials and tragedies.
E. Al-Waaqi Al-Mu’aasir: that is the science of Current Affairs.
And lastly,
7. Al-Aadaab wa ar-Raqaa’iq:
That is the science that softens our hearts, cures them from the spiritual diseases they possess and teaches us excellent and esteemed character and manners.
It is known that whosoever masters all the sciences is known as an Allaamah. I repeat, ‘masters’ That is علامه
But an Allaamah with a علامة according to our Scholars has to not only master all these sciences, but to be an authority in all of them
An ‘Aalim when used unrestrictedly is used to mean someone who knows all these sciences well enough to be able to say something regarding them, even if he did not master them. But when used restrictedly such as ‘Aalim of so and so a science, then it is meant that he mastered that particular science.
That is the way the Ulamaa of the past use these terms even though the people of this era of ours especially the Jaahils like us use them anyhow and without regard to how they should be used.
Lastly, those are the Islamic Sciences O People! If you truly want to be an ‘Aalim, then you must rise up and start to learn now.
Imaam As-Suyuti – rahimahullaah – said:
العلم خير من صلاة نافلة * فقد غدا الله برزق كافلة
“Knowledge (seeking) is better than Voluntary Salaat; Indeed, Allaah has promised a sufficient provision”
Seek for a teacher who can pass you through these sciences, step by step, take your time and be diligent and erudite. of course, getting such scholars in our time is one of the most difficult things.
[ There is a Hadith in Sahih Muslim related by Abdullah bn Umar – radiyallaahu ‘anhu – in which the Rasul – salallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam – said:
[ There is a Hadith in Sahih Muslim related by Abdullah bn Umar – radiyallaahu ‘anhu – in which the Rasul – salallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam – said:
‘In the end of time, a man will fatten his mount and prepare for a long arduous journey to seek for a teacher. But he will expend all his provisions and his mount will worn out without him getting what he set out to look for”
While some Ulamaa believe that this is the era, we disagree with them. There are still many of the scholars that perfect these sciences around. And with little efforts, inshaa Allah, one can get to them. And you don’t have to get a single person that masters all. You can refer to one who masters one. So you take from him that science and then seek for a teacher of another science.
Baarakallaahu feekum!
Jazaakumulllaahu Khayran
Baarakallaahu feekum!
Jazaakumulllaahu Khayran