Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi-rahimahullāh-
Explaining that the highest and Supreme Delight is having knowledge about Allāh Ta’āla.
Know that delights depend on man’s view and perception. Man has been bestowed with power and several instincts. These instincts are created for man for certain purposes.
For instance, the instincts to desire to eat by man is created to keep man alive. Likewise that of eyes is to see and ears to hear.
Thus, the heart also have a special instinct termed as divine guidance and it may be termed as the mind, deep insight or light of Īmān and Yaqīn. And this instinct was given to man to naturally know the true nature of things.
And it is known that knowledge in itself is praiseworthy while ignorance is blameworthy. For knowledge is the best attribute; and that’s why one feel happy naturally when described as an intelligent and knowledgeable person. However, the value, delight of a knowledge depends on its honor and status. Thus, the value and Delight of knowledge about poetry can never be compared to the Delight obtained regarding the knowledge about Allāh Ta’āla, His angels.
13th Rabī’ul Awwal, 1441H.