Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-
Know verily – may the blessings of Allah Ta’āla be upon you – that, Hope is praiseworthy; this is because, it instigates one into action, while despair is blameworthy; since it discourages one from action.
For the one who knows a land to be a salty one, with little water presence and a poor seed germination, needs not to spend his efforts cultivating the land.
As for fear, it doesn’t contradict hope, rather, they partner together.
Hopes stimulate struggling hard towards good actions, and adhering firm to obedience no matter how the situation maybe. And of its symptom is being happy with moving closer to Allah Azzawajal, and being delight with supplicating to Him.
In fact, These qualities are needed for the one who seeks worldly gains from a king, then what about the one who seeks the pleasure of his Lord? No doubt, they are even more deserving to be observed with Almighty. Thus, if not practised, then one is deprived of that state of hope.
Hence, whoever wishes to attain good without observing the aforementioned qualities, has become rightly deceived.
Allāhu A’alam!
Bārakallāhu fīkum!
4th Sha’bān,1440H.