_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
Know verily – may Allāh bless You – that, amongst people are those who are completely deceived and carried away by the luxuries and amusement of Dunya, thus, such a people may say:
_Immediate cash is better than delay of payment._
The cash here according to them is the Dunya while the Credit is the Hereafter. Such statement is a form of delusion of the highest order. For cash can never be better than credit in any case except when it is of its amount and value. And this comparison can never be applied in the case of the dunya and Hereafter.
And it is known that, the life span of a man on earth as against that of the Hereafter can never be compared.
And this is how the kuffār have been deceived by such poor and wrong comparison.
As for those who indulges in sins while being upon the pure creed, then they have indeed partake with the kuffar in this deception because they have preferred the life of this worthless dunya as against that of the Hereafter, except that, their own affairs is less severe as against that of the kuffār from the view that, the imān in them will prevent them from the eternal existence in Hell.
And amongst sinners, are those who are completely lured, and they make a false statement by saying:
_Verily, Allāh is the most generous, we shall depend on His Forgiveness without striving hard._
And they may even be carried away and deceived by the good acts done by their forefathers and they think they will surely have share in its reward.
However, it was said by the pious u’lama that:
_Whosoever hopes for a thing, will surely strive and seek for it. And whosoever fears a thing, will certainly run and desist from it, and whosoever wishes for forgiveness with persistency in an illicit acts or sins is a lured person._
Lastly, he should know that, Allāh Ta’āla with His infinite mercy, is also severe in requiting evil act, and He Has ordained the eternal existence of the kuffār in Hell despite that He is not harmed by their kuffr.
And He Has placed different types of sickness and tribulations upon some of His beloved servants in this Dunya as a test for them while having the power and ability to eradicate it for them, and He Has thoroughly warned us against His wrath, then why shouldn’t we fear Him and hope for His Mercy?
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum.
*13th Jumādal-Awwal,1439H.*