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Introduction on the Book “Al-Fawāid by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah Rahimahullāhu”




The Book Al-Fawāid is a book written by the polymath Imām Shaykhul Islām Abū ‘Abdullah Muhammad bn Abī Bakr bn Ayyub Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah Rahimahullāhu. This blessed book is not like other books of the shaykh which contain chapters that talks about fiqh and other sciences.

Rather, they are thoughts which Allāh Ta’āla bestow upon some of His beloved servants in order to guide others to righteousness. whenever any of this thoughts came to the mind of the Imām, or he learnt a lesson, he immediately write them down and beautify the lines of his book with the ink of his pen lest they should escape from his memory.

In this context, Umar radiyallāhu anhu was reported to have said:

Safeguard knowledge through writing.

Because some thoughts are as though inspiration and they depend on ones situation. Thus, when they are not recorded, they may not be remembered after a short period of time. From this, one may come to conclude that this book of the Imām was not written completely at a time. Rather, it was written over a long period of time.

The book is not about fiqh. Rather, the book contains some wise sayings on how to strengthen one’s piety and to stick to zuhd. He also discuss mainly on how to censor the heart from its vices and move closer to Allāh.

May Allāh make it easy and may He count us amongst those that will benefit from the book of the Imām Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah Rahimahullāhu, Amin.

Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

25th Rabī’u Ath-thānī, 1442.





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