_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
Know verily that, if food were to be served to one or one is being given a gift or intend to buy something from unknown person, one don’t have to doubt about its validity nor submit to it completely.
Rather, investigating on such things depends on situations. Sometimes it is obligatory, Haram, recommended or disliked.
And the enquiry may be about the thing itself or the seller. If it is about the seller which is unknown to the buyer and there is no sign to show that he is a righteous person or a fāsiq, in this case, it is not *Wājib* to make enquiry about the person and it is not even *permissible* because is like one is trying to expose the secret of a Muslim or harm him. And the buyer should not claim that the personality of the seller or owner is doubtful. For what is doubtful must be built on concrete reason and evidence.
As for what as to do with the thing itself, for example, if Haram and halal things mixes up and is not differentiable, in this case, the buyer doesn’t need to make investigation. Except when the haram is apparent and it can be seen clearly. In this case, it is *wājib* for the buyer to make investigations.
*11th Al-Muharram, 1438H.*
Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!