Daily Posts

Kinds of Fear



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-

Kinds of Fear.

Know verily, the stages of the Khāifīn differ, amongst them are those who are overwhelmed with fear of death before repenting, amongst them are those who are overmastered with fear of being carried away by blesses, or fear being dwindled from the straight path, amongst them are those who fear bad ending, and fear of how one managed one’s life in this transitory life is greater than fear of bad ending; since the ending depends on how one spent one’s life.

Though, Allah Ta’āla elevates whosoever He wishes and degrades whoever He wants without any means based on wisdom and justice, for He is not questioned for His Actions.

And also, amongst the various categories of the Khāifīn; are those who fear the agonies of death and its pains, or being questioned by Munkar and Nakir, or being punished in the grave.

Amongst them are those who fear their standing in the front of Allah Ta’āla for interrogation, and their passing over the Sirāt, and they also fear being amongst the people Hell, or being deprived entering Jannah, or being debarred from Allah Ta’āla.

All these are disliked and feared by the pious ones.

However, the highest stage is to fear being debarred from Allah Ta’āla, and this is fear of the ‘Ārifīn while those stages before this are the fear of the Zāhidīn and the ‘Ābidīn.

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!

18th Sha’abān, 1440H.





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