Daily Posts

Levels of Disobedience of Allah 01



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_


Know verily that, people are of different levels in their disobedience of Allah:

*1*. A kāfir.

If he fights against Islam, he deserves being killed and enslaved and there is no any humiliation that is more than that.

But if the Kāfir is a dhimmi(free non Muslim living in the Islamic state), it is not permissible to harm him in anyway except to only disrespect him. And one should not make salam to him. However, if the free non Muslim should make salam, one should respond by saying:

_”The same to you”_

And it is preferred and beloved not to relate with a kāfir even though is a free non Muslim living in Islamic state.

*2*. Al Mubtadí(innovator).

Al Mubtadí is someone who innovates acts of Ibādah that are baseless in the sharia and he claims to be part of the sharia.

If the innovator calls to his bidí and the bidí is a form of kufur in itself, this innovator is worse compared to the dhimmi since he is not subject to pay jizyah.

But, if the bidí is not act of kufur, his affairs is between him and His creator and degree of his act is less to that of the kāfir.

But in terms of condemning, Al mubtadí should be more condemned than a kāfir because the harm of a kāfir is not transitive unlike that of Al Mubtadí which his harm is transitive and affects the Muslims quickly.

Al mubtadí who calls to his bidí should be clearly warned against and disregarded.

As for Al mubtadí who does not propagate his bidí, the best is to be soft on him and call him to the right path. if he persists on his bidí, then he should be clearly disregarded.

*18th Al Muharram, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fēkum!



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