_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
*C.* The originality of a thing is Haram in itself. But it becomes permissible due to somethings which comes over it which are Halal in itself and can be clearly seen.
For example, when a hunter shot an animal but it runs out of his sight. On searching for the animal, he finds it dead. The dead animal is Haram originally. But he discovers that there was no other sign of injury except the sign of his shot on the animal. In this case, the Animal becomes Halal because what is likely the cause of the death of the animal is the shot. But if it was found with other sign(s) of injury, it is Haram for consumption.
*D)*. For something to be originally Halal but it turns into Haram because of something which is Haram in itself mixing up with it and it is clearly seen.
For example, doubting the impurity of water in one of the two pots due to some impurities in the water and the traces of the impurities shows clearly on the water. Thus, it is Haram to drink the water nor to use it for ablution.
*9th Al Muharram, 1438H.*
Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!