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Life of a Servant



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-

Know verily that, bad ending in the life of a servant has its means which precede death, like Bid’a, nifāq, arrogance, and the likes amongst the blameworthy attributes, that’s why the salaf fear for themselves nifāq.

A Salaf was reported to have said:

I am not sure of being free from nifāq, though nothing is more beloved to me than that.

However, the Salaf are not referring to the major Nifāq, rather they imply the minor nifāq which doesn’t take one out of the fold of Islām.

It was reported in the Sahīhayn that the Rasūl Salallāhu ‘alayhi wassalam said:

آية المنافق ثلاث: إذا حدث كذب، وإذا وعد أخلف، وإذا اؤتمن خان.

The signs of a munāfiq(hypocrite) are three: when he spoke he told a lie, and when he made promised he acted treacherously against it, and when he was trusted he betrayed.

Al-Bukhārī#33 and Muslim#59 from the Hadīth Abī Hurairah Radiyallāhu anhu.

Bad ending has two stages:

The greatest stage is for a servant to be overmastered with doubt regarding his religion, or denial on his death bed and its agony, which will lead to eternal punishment.

The second stage which is less evil, is to be displeased with destiny or to scold against it, or to be unjust regarding wasiyah, or to die while sticking to a certain sin.

And it was said that there is no time that shaitān is more tempting upon the son of Ādam like on his death bed, saying to his allies: hold firm to him, for if he escaped from you today, you will never catch up with him again.

And it was reported from the Prophet Salallāhu ‘alayhi wassalam that he used to supplicate by saying:

اللهم إني أعوذبك أن يتخبطني الشيطان عند الموت

O Allāh, I seek refuge in You from the temptations of shaitān on my death bed.

Transmitted by Imām Abū Dāwud(1552), Imām An-Nasāī(8/282). And Shaykh Al-Albānī declared it as Sahīh in “Sahīh Al-Jāmi'”

Al-Khattābī said:

And it may mean for the shaitān to overmastered a servant, thereby misguiding him and preventing him from repentance or blocking him from censoring himself, or filling the heart of the servant with despair and making him hate death, thereby being displeased with the decree of Allāh ‘Azzawajal.

10th Shawwal, 1440H.





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