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Life of a Servant 02: Means Leadind to Bad Ending



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-

Know – may Allāh bless you – that, all the means leading to bad ending in one’s life cannot be outlined in details, rather, they can just be mentioned in summary.

Thus, ending one’s life upon doubt and denial is primarily caused by Bid’a(innovation), which is for one to have false belief regarding Allah, His attributes due to emulation or corrupt understanding.

However, the falsehood of his belief may not be apparent to him in the present time till when the screen is unveiled on his death bed.

But, the one who believes in Allah Subhānahu wata’āla and His attributes upon the path of the Salaf with no detail explanation is secured from this lapse in Shā Allāh Ta’āla.

As for ending one’s life upon a sin, then it is as a result of weak Imān leading to indulging in the sin thereby quenching the light of Imān in the heart.

When the Imān is weak, the love of Allah in the heart also become weak, when the agony of death approaches, the imān further become weaker due its feeling of departing from dunya.

The main reason which led to this type of ending is the excessive love of dunya, and inclining towards it, with weak Imān which necessities weakness in the love of Allāh.

Hence, the one whose heart is filled with the love of Allāh more than that of the dunya is far from this lapse. And the one who passes way while loving Allah Ta’āla, will meet Allah longing for such departure from dunya, and he fear not due to happiness, let alone what he is expecting of honor from Allāh.

15th Shawwal, 1440H.





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