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Major Stages of Tawakkul in Allāh:



Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisī -rahimahullāh-

Know verily that, there are three major stages of Tawakkul in Allāh:

1). Is for a servant to have full trust in Allāh for His sovereignty over affairs, like his trust in the case of a wakīl.

2). This stage is stronger than the first stage. Is for the situation of servant with Allāh Ta’āla to be like a child to his mother, for he doesn’t know anyone except her and he doesn’t seek assistance except from her and he only depends on her. She is the first whom he thinks in his heart, and she is the first he calls for help.

Thus, whosoever trusts Allāh, depends on him and hasten for help from Him alone, such a person will surely love Allāh the way a child loves his mother, then he becomes a sincere person who put his full trust on Allāh.

And the different between this stage and the first stage is that this person has placed his full trust in Allāh and he doesn’t rely except on Allāh and in his heart there is no place for seeking assistance from anyone except from Allāh.

As for the first stage, he puts his trust in Allāh through obligation and acquirement, and he still depends on others and he is not fully engrossed in his trust in Allāh.

3). This is the highest stage. He depends and puts his trust in Allāh like though a dead person at the hand of the person washing it, and the only difference is that the person is still alive.

And this is different from the state of a child with his mother since he seek assistance from her alone in terms of needs.

These are three states that are found amongst people, though those who constantly stick to these stages are few especially the third stage.

Allāhu A’alam
Bārakāllāhu fīkum.

6th Rabīu Al-Awwal, 1441H.





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