Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:
Silah Ibn Āshīm and his Son went out for a battle, then Silah Ibn Āshīm said to his son: Oh Son! Go ahead and fight in the path of Allāh so that I may be rewarded, then the son fought until he was killed, then father also fought until he was also killed, the women in the town gathered in the house of the mother of the son Mu’ādhah Al-‘Adawyah, and she said to them: Welcome if you are really here to congratulate me, but if not, then you can return back.
And know that, if a musībah can be concealed, then concealing it is of the blessings of Allāh Azzawajal.
In this context, ‘Aliyy Radiyallāhu anhu was reported to have said:
It is amongst knowing the greatness of Allāh and His rights, for one not to complain one’s pain or adversity to others.
And Al- Ahnaf rahimahullāhu was reported to have said:
Indeed, I have lost my sight since forty years ago, but I didn’t mention it to anyone.
A man said to Imām Ahmad:
How are you oh Abā ‘Abdallāh? He said: I am fine. Then the man said to him: Did you had a fever yesterday? He said: I have already said to you that I am fine and that’s enough, thus, do not push me to that which I disliked.
And Shaqīq Al-Balkhī said:
Whosoever exposes his adversities to other than Allāh, then he will never find sweetness for the obedience of Allāh in his heart.
And some wise people said:
Of the treasure of righteousness, is for one to hide one’s adversities.
And the pious Salaf used to be pleased with calamities due to its rewards, and their qisas is well known in that regard.
And of this, is what was reported regarding ‘AbdulMalik Ibn ‘Umar Ibn ‘Abdul’Azīz when he died and was buried by his father ‘Umar Ibn ‘Abdul’Azīz, He stood and said while people were surrounding him:
_May Allāh be merciful to you Oh my Son! Indeed you happened to be obedient to your father, wallāhi I have been happy with you since your birthday, and wallāhi I am more pleased with you than ever_
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
14th Al-Muharram,1440H.