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Manners of Serving Food



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_

*Manners of Serving Food.*

As for the manners of serving food to guest, it has five major Adaab:

1. The host should welcome the guest with a cheerful face and good speeches and then, food should be served as soon as possible to the guest.

2. Fruit should be presented first to the guest, for it is better in terms of health.

In this context, Allah, the Most High, says:

” (وفاكهة مما يتخيرون{٢} ولحم طير مما يشتهون{٢١}) [الواقعة: .٢، ٢١].


” _And with fruits any that they may select; And the flesh of fowls any that they may desire.”_ Suratu Al-Waqi’ah: 20-21).

Then, meat should be the next to be served and any other best food in the culture of the guest. After that, one should drink cold water and wash his hands with warm water.

3. All obtainable kinds of food should be served to the guests.

4. The host should not be in haste to take a way the food from the guests. Rather, he should allow them to take to their satisfaction.

5. Enough food should be served to the guest. For by presenting little food to the guest, it may touch the honor of the host. However, before serving the food to the guests, the host’s share of food should be set aside.

If the guest wishes to depart from the gathering, the host should see him out with a smiling face, for this practice is a sunnah of the Messenger sallallaahu alayhi wasallam.

As for the guest, when departing, should show his appreciation and satisfaction with what was served to him by the host. If he noticed something wrong, he should overlook it and be satisfied.

Finally, the guest should not depart unless with the permission of the host and he should be careful of the time he stays with the host in order not to burden the host.

*8th Dhul-Hijjah, 1437.*
*10th September, 2016.*

Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!



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