Halqah Series

Nasīhatu Ahli Az-Zamān authored by Shaykh Mujaddid `Uthmān Dan Fodio rahimahullāh 08

Halqah Series: Episode 56

الحمد لله رب العالمين
والصلاة والسلام على من بعث رحمة للعالمين
وعلى آله وصحبه ومن تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين

Assalāmu Alaykum Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh
Honored brothers and sisters in the Dīn
You are welcome to this evenings session of the Sharh where we shall inshā Allāh continue the Sharh of the book _Nasīhatu Ahli Az-Zamān_
As authored by the Shaykh and Imām Shaykh Uthmān Dan Fodio, rahimahullāh
He said
وقال الحسن اليوسي في المحاضرات أيضا تنبيها على حكم ما وقع من استنقاص الزمان واستنقاص أهله وسبهما بحسب النظر الشرعي أصلا وفرعا
_”And Al-Hasan Al-Yūsī in the Muhādarāt continued by saying, drawing attention to the ruling – in the lenses of the Sharī’a either by origin or by implication – of what he saw of despising the time and its people, and insulting both”_
فأما الزمان ويقال أيضا الدهر فجرت عادة الشعراء وغيرهم قديما وحديثا بالتشكي منه ونسبة الإذاية والجور إليه
_”As for the time, it is also referred to as Ad-Dahr. It has became a custom of the Poets and other than them, past and present to always complain of it and attribute oppression and hurt to it.”_
وقد يكون فيهم من يعتقد ظاهر ذلك وهم مشرك وقد لا يعتقد ذلك لكونه موحدا، بل إنما يذكر ذلك غفلة وجريا على أسلوب من قبله في التعبير أو مجازا بطريق المقارنة لما يقع من الأحداث والكوائن
_”And of them are those who believe the apparent meaning of that. These are Mushriks. But its also possible that he does not believe that apparent meaning because he is a Muwahhid. Rather he mentioned that out of oblivion and in following the methodology of those that have preceded him, or figuratively by comparing what has happened in the world of beings and events”_
والفاعل هو الله. فلا معنى حينئذ للتشكي منه ولا لسبه ولا لاستنقاصه فإن ذالك سوئ أدب مع الله من وجهين
_”The doer of All is Allāh. There is therefore no meaning to complaining about Him, insulting, or despising Him because all of that is bad manners toward Allāh in two ways
أحدهما أنه هو المتصرف في الكل ولذا ورد في الخبر
( لا تسبوا الدهر فإن الله هو الدهر)
أي ما ترونه إن الله تعالى هو فاعله
“Firstly because He is the Controller of everything and for its reason it was narrated in the Khabar: “Do not insult the Time for indeed Allāh is time”_
_”What this means is that whatever you see then Allāh ta’ālā is the Doer”_
ثانيهما أنه يجب على المؤمن اعتقاد أن كل ما يرى في كل زمان من التصرفات فذالك هو الصالح في ذلك الوقت الجاري على الحكمة سواء لاءم الطبائع أم لا
_”The second of both is that it is obligatory upon every believer to believe that everything that he sees occurring in time are the best for that time and are happening based on a Divine Wisdom. This is regardless of whether it agrees with nature or not_
ومن اعتقد خلاف ذلك فهو جاهل بالله تعالى، جاهل بحكمته وقدرته
_And whosoever believes contrary to that is ignorant of Allāh ta’āla and ignorant of His Wisdom and Power”_
The Imām, Al-Yūsī – Rahimahumullāh – draws our attention in those passages to be humble and submissive to Allāh and to do that which we were commanded to do, not to sit back complaining, despising and deriding time
For indeed everything goes in line with Allāh’s Knowledge and predestination

We ask Allāh to make us of the Believers and those who submit to His judgment, āmīn
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran
Assalāmu Alaykum Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh


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