Nasīhatu Ahli Az-Zamān authored by Shaykh Mujaddid `Uthmān Dan Fodio rahimahullāh 09
Halqah Series: Episode 57

الحمد لله رب العالمين
والصلاة والسلام على المبعوث رحمة للعالمين
وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
Assalāmu alaykum Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh
We thank Allāh for giving us today’s opportunity to hold this class
We thank Him for that and hope to show gratitude by our Qiyām in these last ten days
We also congratulate ourselves for being of those to see these last ten days
We thank Allāh
And Bārakallāhu fīkum
We shall continue from where we had stopped in our Sharh on the _”Nasīhah”_
Shaykh Uthmān Dan Fodio – rahimahullāh – said
ثم قال الحسن اليوسي
وأما استنقام أهل الزمان فلا شك أنه يجوز إذ لا يدخل في الغيبة المحرمة حيث لا يكون التعيين،
_”Then Al-Hasan Al-Yūsī said
وقد استشعر محيى الدين ابن العربي في رسالة القدس ذلك، خيث وقع الدليل في متصوفة زمانه فأجاب بنحو ونزع ما وقع لعائشة رضي الله عنها من ذم أهل زمانها وغيرها من أهل الدين
_”And Muhyiddīn Ibn Al-Arabī implied that in his epistle ‘Al-Quds’ when reference to that was made of the Mutasawwifah of his time and he responded with similar replying with what occurred from Ā’ishah – radiyallāhu ‘anha – of blaming the people of her time, and other than her among the Stalwarts of the Dīn…”_
ولكن الأولى الإمساك عن ذلك لما قررنا قبل ولأنه لا يكاد يحصل من ذلك طائل غير إتعاب المرء قلبه ولسانه
_”But what is better is to refrain from that based on what we have preceded with, and because a person earns nothing from that but suffering his heart and tongue.”_
Al-Yūsī – rahimahullāh – refers here to Muhyiddīn Ibn Arabi the Sūfī Scholar
He is Abū Bakr Muhyiddīn Muhammad Ibn ‘Alī Ibn Muhammad Al-Hātimī At-Tā’ī Al-Andalusī, the Imām and Shaykh, the Pivot of the extreme Sufi orders
Imām Adh-Dhahabī – rahimahullāh – mentioned in Mīzān Al-I’itidāl that he passed away in the year 638 after the Hijrah
Of the main authorships of Ibn Arabī is his _Fusūs Al-Hikam_ which is a reflection of his views and creed
Much of his creed mirrows the Philosophy of the Unity of the Creation and the Creator in what is known as _Wihdatu Al-Wujūd_
The Ulamā differed on the ruling of his Islām. Some of them ruled that he was a Murtadd and apostate off the bond of Islām
Of them are Imām As-Sakhāwī, At-Taftanāzī, Mullah Alī Al-Qārī, and some others
Of the Ulamā are those that consider him to be a Wali among the Awliyā of Allāh, these are undoubtedly of those who believe in most of his positions or are influenced by some or all of his works
This is the position of many of the Sūfī Imams
Another group of the Ulamā consider him to be a Mubtadi’ and his works to be Harām to study but did not make a Takfīr on him. Of them is the Muhaddith Imām Jalāluddīn As-Suyyūtī – rahimahullāh
Many of the Muhaqqiqūn Imams and the Ulamā of the Dīn have written long passages demolishing the Creed that Ibn Arabi called to and preached and whosoever knows the reality of his works will agree to his blasphemy and misguidance
I was lucky to have studied some of his writings to include the Fusūs ten years ago and by the will of Allāh, to have also seen and gone through the rebuttal of the Stallion Imams on those matters
Imām Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalānī – rahimahullāh – mentioned from his teacher Al-Bulqīnī – rahimahullāh that he was asked about Ibn Arabī and he referred to him as a Kāfir
Other Ulamā from the Sufi order that pronounced him Kafir include Ibn Khaldūn, As-Subkī and Abū Zur’a
There is no doubt that whosoever denies anything of the Dīn that the Muslim Ummah have agreed upon and is known of Islām by necessity is a Kāfir
This is a point that the Ulamā of Islām have agreed upon
As for Shaykh Uthman Dan Fodio rahimahullāh and his Madrasah, it is known that they respected the works of Ibn Arabi aside the Fusūs and they would make quotations from some, aside the Fusūs
Of course, _At-Ta’awīl Al-Fāsid_ is among the excuses that the Ulamā give to Kufr and Takfīr
Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah – rahimahullāh – mentioned in the Majmū’ah that of all the misguidance and blasphemy in the works if Ibn Arabī, _Ta’awīl_ has been successfully made for all but the insinuations in the Fusūs
This is because they go against the matters that are known by necessity in the Dīn
And this is why the correct position towards Ibn Arabī is his Takfīr and the blacklisting of his writings
As for Shaykh Uthman Dan Fōdio, he is excused in his time due to the littleness of what we know reached him of the books of the Ulamā of the East and the writings of the Muhaqqiqūn. And whosoever knows the severity of Shaykh Uthmān on Bid’a and misguidance would agree with this excuse
May Allāh be merciful of him, āmīn
We shall inshā Allāh stop here for the day
We ask Allāh to be merciful to us all, and to make us of those who are manumitted from the Nār in this blessed month āmīn
Beloved ones, let us all make Du’ā for this beloved Ummah of ours, that Allāh guide its Imām s and leaders, that Allāh preserve its true Ulamā and make many of the Youths grow up to become Ulamā guiding and illumining the way for the Ummah
Let us pray that Allāh bestows wisdom and guidance upon the Muslim Youths and direct them to raising the Ummah steps higher and above what is obtainable in the generation that preceded them
And let us pray that Allāh grants victory to the Mujahidin fighters on the Cause of Allāh from the lands of the Balkans to the land of the Uighurs, the Burmans, the lands of the Hindu Kush, Kashmir, the East African Lands of Somalia, the Malian Lands of the Timbuktu Imams from whom we took our Islām in this beloved land of ours
Let us make Du’ā for the oppressed Muslims of Mosul and Iraq, the cities of Shām and the Purified and Sacred lands of Palestine from whence the Rasūl – salallāhu alayhi wasallam – began his Mi’irāj
Won’t we make du’ā for the Ummah o beloved ones?
Won’t we spend hours to weep for succour from Allāh for the weaklings of the Ummah among the women and children who are starving in the concentration camps?
Won’t we make du’ā that Allāh manumits the captivity of Muslims who are in the underground cells of the Tawāghīt and the prisons of oppression?
We ask Allāh to grant victory to Islām and Muslims
And to bring a day in which the Believers will rejoice at the revival of its Caliphate that brings and establishes justice, peace, balance and excellence
O Allāh, we make as Tawassul this Day of ours, this day’s fast of ours, unite the heart of the Muslims upon that which is right and behind the most Pious and deserving of them
O Allāh grant us Tawfīq, Sad ad, purify of Heart, rest of mind, haste for good, love of Khayra and sincerity of Heart
Āmīn, āmīn, āmīn
إِنَّمَا قَوْلُنَا لِشَيْءٍ إِذَا أَرَدْنَاهُ أَنْ نَقُولَ لَهُ كُنْ فَيَكُونُ
Assalāmu Alaykum Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh
Bārakallāhu fīkum