Nasīhatu Ahli Az-Zamān authored by Shaykh Mujaddid `Uthmān Dan Fodio rahimahullāh 17
Halqah Series: Episode 70

🕌”Nasīhatu Ahli Az-Zamān” (017)
الحمد لله رب العالمين
والصلاة والسلام على من بعث رحمة للعالمين
وعلى آله وصحبه والتابعيه أجمعين
Assalāmu alaykum Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.
Respected brothers and sisters!
You are welcome to this week’s session of the Halqah.
We have been making a Sharh on the book by Shaykh ‘Uthmān Dan Fodio – rahimahullāh – Nasīhatu Ahli Az-Zamān
We had stopped where the Imām was explaining Wara’a
And the Imām had explained that Wara’a entails avoiding matters about which one was in doubt.
…so as not to fall into matters that are abhorent.
He now proceeds to mention the other part of Wara’a
Which is known within Ulamā and students of Knowledge as been scrupulous and picking the safest of Scholarly positions in matters where the Ulamā differed.
He said – rahimahullāh-
قال محمد بن يوسف المواق في سنن المهتدين
“Muhammad Ibn Yūsuf Al-Mawwāq said in Sunan Al-Muhtadīn…
خص زياد مالكا على أن يأخذ لنفسه في خاصته بأشد ما قيل بالإجتهاد في أحكام الدين
“Zayyād exhorted a Leader that he should take for himself the strictest of the fatāwah that has been passed on any matter of Ijtihād on the Rulings of the Dīn”
We say, and Allāh is the One that guides, as for Al-Mawwāq, he is Muhammad Ibn Yūsf Ibn Abī Al-Qāsim Ibn Yūsuf Al-‘Abdarī Al-Gharnātī.
He passed away 897 years after the Hijrah and was of the foremost ‘Ulamā in Garnātah (Granada) in his time.
He was a Master of the Mālikī Fiqh and an authority in the entirety of Spain
Of his books are _At-Tāj Wa Al-Iklīl Shar’h Mukhtasar Khalīl_ and the book to which the Shaykh reffered _Sunan Al-Muhtadīn Fī Maqāmāti Ad-Dīn_
The Shaykh said – rahimahullāh –
وقال أبو حامد
(اتقاء مواضع الخلاف مهم في الورع في حق المفتى والمقلد فالفرار من الخلاف إلى الإجماع من الورع المؤكد)
And Abū Hāmid said to avoid the places of Khilāf (differences of opinion) is very important and of War’a for the one who gives Fatwah and the one that follows. For avoidance of Differences and taking to the agreed upon positions is definitely a part of Wara’a.”
قال محيى الدين النووي
(أهل العلم متفقون على الحث على الخروج من الخلاف)
“Muhyiddīn An-Nawawī said The People of Ilm are at a consensus on enjoining the avoidance of matters about which there is difference.”
I say, and Allāh is the Source of Strength, the quotation of the Imām from An-Nawawī above is from his Shar’h of Sahih Muslim.
The completion of the statement reads
… إذا لم يلزم منه إخلال بسنة، أو أوقع في خلاف آخر
If by so doing, one is not devouring a Sunnah or falling into another Difference.”
What An-Nawawī means by this is that though, to avoid the matters about which there is difference among the ‘Ulamā is a Sunnah and is encouraged, it must not be taken to the extreme whereby a person by so doing will abandon a Sunnah and then fall into another matter about which there is difference.
An example may make it clearer,
If it is to be said that observing Witr of three raka’āt without a sitting on the second raka’ah and a taslīm is a matter about which the ‘Ulamā differed,
Then avoiding it by ensuring to sit on the second raka’a and making the taslīm is better and of wara’a.
But since the evidences have made it clearer that to observe it without the sitting and without the Taslīm were permissible, to observe three raka’āt at stretch is better than avoiding the Witr in its entirety.
Thereby falling into another matter about which they have differed, which is the person of the one that abandons the Witr.
Another example that might come to mind is the Sunnah of raising the trousers above the ankle.
If it is to he said that the ‘Ulamā varied on whether it was Sunnah or not, the Believer is not expected to avoid it under the guise that it is a matter about which there is difference of opinion.
This is because in its abandonment is a severe threat of a Punishment from Allāh.
But this matter is that about which the ‘Ulamā agreed upon, that it is recommended to avoid matters about which there is difference.
Al-Māzinī Al-Mālikī – rahimahullāh – had said;
“To avoid matters about which there is difference is Mustahabb by consensus.”
We shall pause here and continue next week due to the time. inshā Allāh.
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran
Assalāmu alaykum Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.
23rd Al- Muharram 1439H
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