Halqah Series

Nasīhatu Ahli Az-Zamān authored by Shaykh Mujaddid `Uthmān Dan Fodio rahimahullāh 19

Halqah Series: Episode 72



🕌”Nasīhatu Ahli Az-Zamān” (019)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين
والصلاة والسلام على من بعث رحمة للعالمين
وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

Assalāmu Alaykum Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh

Honored brothers and sisters in the Dīn
We are welcome to this morning’s session of the Halqah.

We ask Allāh to reward us all
and to benefit us by it, āmīn.

We shall inshā Allāh continue from where we stopped last three weeks.

We were in our commentary on the Book Nasīhatu Ahli Az-Zamān by Shaykh Uthmān Dan Fodio – rahimahullāh – and stopped on the wording of Al-Mawwāq – rahimahullāh – where he said;

“So when what afflicted him afflicted him, it was said to him way don’t you reduce that? He responded it is not right for anyone to do a Deed for Allāh except that he beautifies and makes it good. Allāh ta’ālā said ‘that He may test you, which of you is most excellent in deeds.’

Then Al-Mawwāq said:so look at that upon which Mālik was of taking the Dīn very seriously. And that which the Ulamā have formed a consensus on of avoiding matters about which there is difference , and been conscious of the breathes that lead Allāh, and preferring to carry the most weighty (Ibādah)upon the soul, and the best that in case one was surprisingly seized by death while he is upon it, he wouldnt have found anything better upon which he would have wanted to meet Allāh. This is just as Suhnūn and other than him said. And it is the Truth that has no doubts.”

And we explained what he meant by that
He (Al-Mawwāq) – rahimahullāh – continued by saying;

فمن ذم ما دون هذا المقام وقال إنه من لهو الحديث أو بدعة بالنسبة إلى هذا المقام، فأقول بموجبه
“And whosoever reproaches any stance that is below this (elevated stance of his) and refers to it as a pass time talk or a bid’ah with respect to this stance, then I say in that regard

وأما الذم مطلقا من غير نسبة إضافية ولا سيما وربما لا يكون هو في هذا المقام فذاك حجة عليه، ومذهب لبهاء أقاويل العلماء

“As for unrestricted reproach (of any position or status that is below this position of Wara’) without attributing such position with the conditions that vary; and especially if its sayer is not himself in that (elevated position of Wara’), his act itself is evidence against him; is a thrower-away of the elegant statements of the ‘Ulamā
ومن شأن العلماء بالله وبأحكام الله أن يذهبوا مع الناس في الرخصة والسعة

“And it is customary for the Possessors of the Knowledge of Allāh and Knowledge of the Jurisdictions of Allāh to apply ease and dispensation to the matters of People

وكان رويم من جلة المشايخ مقرئا فقيها. قال من حكم الحكيم أن يوسع على إخوانه في الأحكام ويضيق على نفسه فيها، فإن التوسعة اتباع العلم، والتضييق على نفسك من حكم الورع. انتهى
“And Ruwaym was distinct among the Mashāyikh as a Qārī and a Faqīh. He said;

it is of the Wisdom of the Wise one to be easy on his brothers when passing rulings and to be stern upon himself in same, for been easy (upon them) is an implementation of ‘Ilm and been stern upon yourself is the result of War a’__
Shaykh ‘Uthmān Dan Fodio said;
End Quote

Imām Ruwaym – rahimahullāh – was a Faqīh and Qārī Imām, prominent among the Sūfī Orders.
His was referred to as Abū Al-Hasan Ruwaym Ibn Ahmad Al-Baghdādī.
He was a Faqīh of the Dhāhirīyyah School and studied immensely from Dāwud Adh-Dhāhirī in the era of Al-Ma’mūn.
Imām Adh-Dhahabī – rahimahullāh – said in the Siyar;

Ruwaym passed away in the year 303 after the Hijrah

In this last passage, Al-Mawwāq took a swerve at the people that claimed that any position that does not involve the sort of resolve that was displayed by Mālik of not taking ease and dispensation for himself is not of Wara’

He explained that while for a Faqīh to remain resolute and stern on himself, to practice Wara’a and to stick to the positions that are more severe for himself, it remains a duty of his to give Fatwah that considers the situation of the ‘Ummah and the situation of the one that sought his Fatwah.

For instance, if a Faqīh is asked about the Salāt of a person who is suffering from stomach pains if it is severe, he answers he should observe his prayers while sitting if that will reduce the pains and allow him concentrate on his Salāt.
But if he the Faqīh faces same situation, he should observe the Salāt while standing despite his painful condition.
This is what is meant.
Then Al-Mawwāq quoted Ruwaym because he was known for his scrupulousness and discipline.
He was an Imām in it.
Imām Ahmad once said – rahimahullāh
“من أفتى الناس ليس ينبغي أن يحمل الناس على مذهبه ويشدد عليهم”

“Whosoever gives Fatwa to people should not impose upon them his own Madhhab or be stern on them”
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran

Assalāmu alaykum Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.

30th Safar 1439H

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