Nasīhatu Ahli Az-Zamān authored by Shaykh Mujaddid `Uthmān Dan Fodio rahimahullāh 22
Halqah Series: Episode 75

“Nasīhatu Ahli Az-Zamān” (023)
الحمد لله رب العالمين
والعاقبة للمتقين
ولا عدوان إلا على الظالمين
والصلاة والسلام على المبعوث رحمة للعالمين
وعلى آله وصحبه ومن تبعهم أجمعين
Assalāmu Alaykum Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.
Honored brothers and sisters,
we are welcome again to this morning’s session of the Halqah.
We ask Allāh to bless and make it beneficial to us all
We continue, Allāh willing, with our commentary on the excellent corpus
Nasīhatu Ahli Az-Zamān
We stopped at where Shaykh Uthmān Dan Fodio – rahimahullāh – quoted Al-Ishbīlī in his Sharh on the Arba’ūn
وقال الإشبسلي في شرح الأربعين النووية
وإنما يأمر وينهى من كان عالما بما يأمر به وما ينهى عنه. فإن كان من الأمور الظاهرة، مثل الصلاة والصوم والزنا وشرب الخمر ونحوها، فكل الناس علماء بها. وإن كان دقائق الأفعال والأقوال وما يتعلق بالإجتهاد، لن يكن للعوام فيه مدخل، ولا لهم إنكاره، وذلك للعلماء. والعلماء إنما ينكرون ما أجمع عليه. أما المختلف فيه، فلا إنكار فيه
“And Al-Ishbīlī said in the Commentary on An-Nawawī’s Arba’ūn
Rather, Commanding and Forbidding of deeds are done by the one that known that about which he is Commanding and Forbidding. If it is a matter among the matters that are plain and known such as Salāt, Sawm (Fast), Zinā, Intoxication and their likes, these are known to everyone. But if the matters are the nitty matters deeds or words and matters that have to do with Ijtihād, then the Commoners have no business with that neither should they rebuke such matters. That should be left to the Ulamā. And the Ulamā only rebuke matters that are agreed upon. As for natters that are differed upon, there is no rebuking of those.”
Then he said – rahimahullāh
ثم قال بعد كلام
لكن إن ندبه على جهة النصيحة إلى الخروج من الخلاف فهو حسن محبوب إلى فعله برفق، فإن العلماء متفقون على الحث على الخروج من الخلاف
“And then, he said a little later,
“But if he encouraged him by way of advising him with gentleness to avoid a matter that is differed upon and go to matters that are agreed upon, then this is better and beloved for the Ulamā are agreed that it is right to encourage that matters in which there is difference be avoided.”
In other words, it is wrong to rebuke a doer for doing something that is differed upon but it is right to encourage him to return to that upon which there is agreement.
Shaykh Uthmān then said;
وفي الدرر
فمن شدد شدد الله عليه. فمراد الله تعالى في هذه الأمة أن يقع الإختلاف فيحصل التيسير ولذلك أنزل إليهم كتابا عربيا، ولغة العرب متسعة محتملة للمعاني المختلفة
“And it is mentioned in the Durar_”And whosoever makes things hard will have Allāh hard upon him for the purpose of Allāh – ta’ala – for this Ummah is that differences of positions occur that there may be ease. For this reason, He sent them the Book in Arabic. And the Arabic Language is accommodating and encompasses diverse possible meanings for words.”
He said;
وقال محمد يوسف الموّاق في سنن المهتدين قال عياض ما اختلف العلماء في تحليله وتحريمه فلا يقال فيه حرام
‘And Muhammad Yūsuf Al-Mawwāq said in Sunan Al-Muhtadīn ‘Iyād said whatever matter about whose Halāl or Harām the ‘Ulamā have differed must not be reffered to as Harām.”
I say, and with Allāh is Help, as for Al-Mawwāq, we have already referred to his biography earlier.
As for ‘Iyād, then he is the Mālikī Imām, Muhaddith and Faqih, ‘Iyād (ض) bn Mūsā Ibn ‘Iyād Al-Yahsabī As-Sibtī – rahimahullāh –
He was the foremost Imām of Hadīth, Fiqh and Arabic language in the Maghrib during his lifetime.
He was appointed the judge of the city of Sabtah (Ceuta)
and then the Qādī (Judge) of Gharnātah (Granada).
For its reason, he is popularly referred to as Qādī
He was killed in the city of Marrākish (Morocco) by poison by the Jews
Qādī ‘Iyyād was born 476 years after the Hijrah
And passed away 544 years after it.
He is the Master Author behind the books Ash-Shifā Bi Ta’arif Huqūq Al-Mustafā,
‘Al-Ilmām ‘Ilā Ma’arifati Usūl Ar-Riwāyati Wa Taqyīd As-Samā’
Ikmāl Al-Mu’allim
And many others
May Allāh be merciful to him, āmīn
I say, Allāh be merciful to Imām ‘Iyād, it cannot be said whatever there has been difference upon cannot be referred to as Harām for in this is a disregard to the truth.
And, to quote these words and state their points of views are a necessary thing to do to show respect and deference to the ‘Ulamā and Imāms of the past.
For they are the shinning lights with which the darkness of ignorance and misguidance is lit.
However, to state the fact, there are mistakes in this position
And we shall treat that in detail, Allāh willing.
Then Shaykh Uthmān said;
وقال في أوّل الإكمال
لا ينبغي للآمر بالمعروف والنّاهي عن المنكر أن يحمل الناس على اجتهاده ومذهبه وإنما يغير ما أجمع على إحداثه وإنكاره
“And it is said in the beginning of the Ikmāl
“It is not right that the one who commands to Ma’arūf and Forbids from evil force people to be on his own Ijtihād and Madh’hab. Rather, he should exert effort to correct what has been agreed upon to be innovated and repugnant.”
The author of the Ikmāl is the Yahsabī Imām Qādī ‘Iyyād – rahimahullāh – as mentioned already
He said;
ووشح محيي الدين النووي كلام عيّاض قائلا
أما المختلف فيه فلا إنكار فيه وليس للمفتي ولا القاضي أن يعترض على من خالفه إذا لم يخالف نصّ القرآن أو السنة أو الإجماع
“And Muhyiddīn An-Nawawī commented on the statement of ‘Iyyād saying
__As for that which is differed upon, then there is to be no Inkār (rebuke) on it. And it is not right for the Muftī or the Qādī to rebuke the one who disagrees with him
as long as he does not go against an unambiguous text of the Qur’ān, the Sunnah or the Ijmā’__
Here, the Master Imām, An-Nawawī completes the matter to tell us that all these restrictions to not rebuke the wrong that is differed upon only applies to those matters that are of Ijtihād and not already decided by unambiguous text from the Qur’an, the Hadīth or the ‘Ijmā.
We shall stop here for the week
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran
سبخانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد ان لا إله إلا الله أستغفرك وأتوب إليك
Assalāmu alaykum Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh
12th Rabīu’ Al- Âkhir 1439H
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