Nasīhatu Ahli Az-Zamān authored by Shaykh Mujaddid `Uthmān Dan Fodio rahimahullāh 25
Halqah Series: Episode 78

“Nasīhatu Ahli Az-Zamān” (025)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين
والعاقبة إلى على الظالمين
والصلاة والسلام على من بعث رحمة للعالمين
Honoured brothers and sisters!
Assalāmu alaykum Warahmatullāh Wabarakātuh.
Welcome to this morning’s Halqah Seasion.
We ask Allāh to make it beneficial to us all, āmīn.
We stopped at where Shaykh Uthmān Dan Fodio quoted the Usūlī Imām Ash-Shawkānī rahimahullāh as saying;
وقال الشيخ أبو إسحاق الشاطبي
الأولى عندي في كل نازلة يكون لعلماء المذهب فيها قولان فيعمل الناس على موافقة أحدهما، وإن كان مرجوحا في النظر أن لا يعترض لهم وأن يجروا على أنهم قلدوه في الزمان الأول وجرى به العمل، فإنهم إن حملوا على غير ذلك كان في ذلك تشويش للعامة وفتح لباب الخصام
“And the Shaykh Abū Is’hāq Ash-Shātibī said :what I consider to be better in any matter in which the Ulamā have two different positions is that the people should work in accordance to one of both, even if it is the weaker position, they shouldn’t be rebuked. And they should be held to have emulated that position in the early times and continued upon it. This is because if they are forced to other than that, it could be a form of confusion to the generality of people, the commoners, and an opening of the door of disagreements.”
Shaykh Uthmān Dan Fodio – rahimahullāh – then said;
وقال ابن عرقة قال ابن حزم أجمعوا أن متبع الرخص فاسق مردود بما أفتى به الشيخ المتفق على عمله وصلاحه عز الدين بن عبد السلام، إنه قال لا يتعين على العاصي إذا قلد إماما في مسألة أن يقلده في سائر مسائل الخلاف. لأن الناس من لدن الصحابة إلى أن ظهرت المذاهب يسألون فيما يسنح لهم العلماء المختلفين من غير نكير من أحذ، وسواء اتبع الرخص في ذلك أو العزائم لأن من جعل المصيب واحدا لم يعينه، ومن قال كل مجتهد مصيب، فلا إنكار على من قلد في الصواب
“And Ibn ‘Arafah said Ibn Hazm said They formed an agreement that the one who always seeks to follow dispensations (Rukhsah) on every matter is a Fāsiq whose testimony is rejected, based on the Fatwa made by the Shaykh upon whose good deeds and piety people have agreed, Izzuddīn Ibn ‘Abdissalām, for he said..”
“It is not binding upon the sinner, if he emulates one Imām to stick to emulating him in all other matters upon which there is difference of opinion, this is because, people right from the time of the Sahābah, up until the coming of the Madh’habs, used to ask whatever the wish from different Ulamā without been rebuked by anyone for this. This is without regard to whether he took to dispensation (Rukhsah) or to resolve (Azīmah). This is because whosoever says that only one person can be right, then he wouldn’t be able to name that person. and whosoever says that every Mujtahid is right, would not rebuke anyone who is known to be emulating that which is right.”
Due to reasons beyond our control, we will in shaa Allah continue our Halqah session from here next time.
Assalāmu Alaykum
24th Jumadal Ûla 1439H
📮 *IslamNode*