Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:
Of the grace of Allāh in Means of obtaining Food.
Know verily that, we have mentioned blessings in general, and we placed _the sound health of the body_ amongst the second virtues of blessing, if we had wish to count the means which lead to this blessing, we will not be able to do so. And food basically, is one of those means for sound health.
Therefore, we shall just mention some means of getting food in summary.
Of the graces of Allāh Ta’āla on man is that, He created for him system for sensitivity, and movement system in his search for food, just take a look at the wisdom behind the arrangement of those five sensory organs, which serve as elements for perception.
1). Sense of touching: it is the first sense that was placed for man, and its least stages of this sense is to be able to feel what touches it, and feeling it connotes perfection of the sense, thus man needs a sense organ in order to feel that which is far from him.
Then Allāh created sense of smelling in order to smell scents from far place, but one couldn’t detect the direction of the scents, therefore one needs to go around to check where the scents spread, and one may not come across it. Then Allāh created the sense of seeing in Order to detect far object and to know its direction, but if man was just left in this case, he would have defect in him, because he cannot detect what’s behind him and screened from him.
And he might be noticed by an enemy due to the barrier between them, and the enemy may have approached him without knowing which makes it difficult for him to escape.
Thus, Allāh created for man the sense of hearing so that he may be able to detect sounds behind barriers.
However, man is still deficient, for without the sense of tasting one would not be able to differentiate between the beneficial food from the harmful one, unlike tree, which absorbs any kind of water from its root since it has no taste, and some of it may lead to its dryness.
Then, Allāh Ta’āla honoured man with another attribute, which is praiseworthy than that of eating, which is the brain, for it is with it he will be able to scrutinize harmful food from the beneficial one, and that which will harm him in the future.
And it is with the brain, he will be able to cook, prepare different kinds of food which provide adequate ground for sound health, and this is the least benefit of Brain.
However, the greatest and the most important wisdom behind the brain is to know Allāh Ta’āla.
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*16th Safar ,1440H.*