عن أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه ان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال:” السحور أكله بركة، فلا تدعوه، ولو
أن يجرع أحدكم جرعة من ماء، فإن الله عزّ وجلّ وملائكته يصلون على المتسحرين”حديث حسن أخرجه احمد
في مسنده
On the authority of Abu Sa’iid Al Khudry -radiyaAllahu anhu who said that the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said:
“The sahour (pre-down meal) is a blessed meal, do not abandon it, even if one of you only drank a gulp of water, for Allah and His angels sends blessings on those who have their pre-dawn meal”
♦ It is strongly recommended for us to take sahour (pre-dawn meal) even if it is water.
♦ It should be delayed till immediately before dawn.
♦ It is a blessed meal that one is sure of getting barakah.
♦ Allah will descend His courtesy, mercy and forgiveness on those who took sahour also, the angels too will pray and seek for forgiveness for them.
♦ It is the difference between our fast and that of the people of the book.
May Allah accept our Ibaadah and put barakah in all He has given to us, Aameen.
Don’t forget the Ummah in your Du’a.
JazaakumuLLahu Khayran.