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People are of Three Categories in Terms of Intention:



Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi-rahimahullāh-

People are of three categories in terms of intention:

Amongst them are those who obey Allāh due to fear from Allāh, and amongst them are those who worship Allāh due to their hope in Allāh. And the greatest stage are above these two categories, which is to worship Allāh due to His Glory, and this is never easy for the lovers of the transitory life to comprehend, for it is the most supreme intention.

The Sāhib of this stage never neglects the Zikr of Allāh Ta’āla and pondering over His signs.

‘Aliyy Radiyallāhu anhu said:

Refresh your hearts and seek for them wisdom, for they get bored the way your body get bored.

These matters are not fully comprehended except by mingling with the pious ulama.

Following the path of Allāh entails battling with shaitān and censoring the heart from its vices. Thus, they should submit themselves to those who are more grounded in knowledge to unveil these secrets.

Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

12th Jumādal Ūla, 1441H.





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