Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi-rahimahullāh-
Punishing the Soul upon its negligence.
Know verily, may the blessings of Allāh Ta’āla be upon you that, whenever you hold yourselves for accountability regarding your deeds and you noticed heedlessness, or you committed a sin, then never deem it an easy matter. If not, it will be difficult for you to shun away from the sin.
Rather, you should hasten to purify yourselves from the sin through a proper lens.
In this context, it was reported that ‘Umar Ibn Khattāb Radiyallāhu anhu went to his garden, but when he returned, the people had already performed the ‘Asr prayer. So he said:
Verily, I visited my garden, but returned while the people had already performed the ‘Asr prayer, for this reason, I give my garden in charity to the Masākīn.
Al-Layth also said:
‘Umar missed the maghrib congregational prayer, but after observing the prayer, he freed two slaves.
However, punishing oneself through the means which are unlawful is completely forbidden in our Shari’a.
For example, it was said that a man amongst Banī Isrāīl mistakenly placed his hand on the thigh of a woman, so he punished himself by placing his hand in hot fire until it paralyzed.
Another man walked towards a woman but said to himself: what do you want to do? When he decided to return his leg, he addressed his leg by saying: wallāh, you will not return with me. Thus, he had it cut off.
Another man glanced at a woman, then gouged his eye. All these methods are Haram in our Shari’a, while it may be permissible in their Shari’a.
Even though some Individuals amongst our ummah have chosen to follow these paths. What led them to that extremism is ignorance and the deceptions of the shayātīn. May Allāh save us from these shortcomings, Āmīn.
Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.
3rd Rajab, 1441H.