٢- قال الشيخ عطية محمد سالم رحمه الله:
((وقد سمعت من الشيخ (محمد الأمين الشنقيطي) رحمه الله تعالى علينا وعليه قوله:
((القرآن لا يثبت في الصدر ولا يسهل حفظه وييسر فهمه إلا القيام به في جوف الليل))
تتمة أضواء البيان.
Shaykh ‘ Atiyyah Muhammad Salim – Rahimahullāh – said: “ I heard the shaykh (Muhammad Al-Amin Ash-Shanqiti) may the mercy of Allāh ta’ala be upon him, saying: “ The Qur’ān does not become established in one’s memory or easy in one’s understanding except by standing with it in prayers in the middle of the Night (Qiyāmullayl)”.
Ref: Tatimmatu ‘Adwā Al-Bayan
O you who want to memorize the Qur’ān and understand its meaning, Qiyāmullayl!!
Bārakallāhu fīkum
Jazākumullāhu Khayran