_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
Know verily that, when choosing friend, it is imperative that one should consider some qualities. Amongst those attributes are;
*1*. Al Áqlu(intellect).
Intellect is the capital of everything. There is no benefit in being a friend to a foolish person who lacks faculty of reasoning and deep understanding. This is because he lacks proper scale of weighing that which is harmful from what is beneficial. Thus, he thinks he is benefiting one, but in reality, he is causing destruction and setbacks.
*2*. Good behavior.
There is no doubt that, a friend cannot be good except with this quality. Good characters prevents one from getting angry unnecessarily when one is been upset.
*3*. The friend should not be a fāsiq.
A fāsiq doesn’t fear Allah. Thus, whosoever does not fear Allah is not reliable and one should not take him as close friend. For he will lead one to failure in this dunya and the life to come.
*4*. The friend should not be a mubtadí (innovator).
It is highly disliked and abhorrent for one to take a mubtadí as close friend. For he encouraged one to nothing except things that are baseless in the sharia.
In this context, Úmar radiyallāhu anhu was reported to have said:
_” عليك بإخوان الصدق تعش في أكنافهم، فإنهم زينة في الرخاء وعدة في البلاء، وضع أمر أخيك على أحسنه حتى يجيئك ما يقليك به، واعتزل عدوك، واحذر صديقك إلا الأمين، ولا أمين إلا من يخشى الله ، ولا تصحب الفاجر فتتعلم من فجوره، ولا تطله على سرك، واستشر في أمرك الذين يخشون الله تعالى”_
_” I encouraged you to befriend the truthful ones and live amongst them, for they are adornment in ease and they are tools to overcome your problems in difficulty, think good about your friend until his affairs is proven otherwise, keep away from your enemy, take someone who is trustworthy as friend, and the trustworthy person is the one who fears Allāh, do not befriend a fājir(transgressor) lest you learnt from his transgressions, do not share your secret with the transgressor, rather, consult righteous people who fears Allāh Taála.”_
*21th Al Muharram, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fēkum!