Daily Posts

Recitation of the Qurʿān



Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-

It is recommended and beloved to recite the Qur’an with a sweet voice. However, if one is not capable of doing that, then, he should do what he is capable of doing. But reciting the Qur’an like a music is highly discouraged by the pious predecessors.

It is also recommended to recite the glorious Qur’an in a low voice. But there are some situations where the recitation of the glorious Qur’an in loud voice is beloved and recommended. Such as awakening a sleeping person, during memorization, etc.

As to the ruling of recitation in prayers, either raising one’s voice or lowering it in the prayers, this is dealt with in details in the books of fiqh.

It is recommended for one who is reciting the glorious Qur’an to reflect upon what he reads and bear in mine that it is not the statement of man but it is the statement of the creator, Most High.

In addition, if one cannot reflect upon what he recites except after repeating the verses, then he is recommended to repeat the verses in order to ponder over its meanings.

In this regard, Abu Dharr radiyallaahu anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu alayhi wasallam performed a Night prayer reciting one verse, repeating it:, which says:

“If you punish them, they are your servants: if you forgive them, you are the exalted in power, the wise.”
suratu Al-Ma’idah, verse 118.

Also when one recites the Qur’anic verse that says:,

” praise be to Allah, who created the heavens and the earth). Suratu Al-An’am, verse 1, one should ponder on the Mighty and power of the creator, Most High.

Moreover, a reader of the Glorious Qur’an should shun away from what hinders the deep understanding of the glorious Qur’an such as busing himself only with trying to correct the pronunciation of vowel sounds without learning from the lessons nor reflecting upon its meanings, committing sins, and following desires and whims. For all these acts causes darkness in one’s heart.

Lastly, the reciter of the holy Qur’an should considered the verses of the glorious Qur’an as addressing him, and, thus, he should try hard to put the instructions into practice.

Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!



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