_Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-_
Know verily – may the blessings of Allāh Ta’āla be upon you – that, most people use to destroy themselves by their own hands due to their fear of blames from others and the love to be praised.
Their goal was then centred on what will please and win over the heart of others; seeking for praises and fearing to be blamed, and this is amongst the fatalities. Therefore, it is wājib that such vice should be treated and censored.
And the way to treat it is for one to check that attribute which people are praising one for be it what one should be happy with having it like knowledge and piety, or what one is not expected to be happy due its accumulation be it status, wealth and the likes.
As for the first which is knowledge and piety, its treatment is for one to fear one’s end and to always remember death which comes without notice. By so doing, one will be safeguarded from being happy with the praises of others for those praises will not benefit one in the side of Allāh.
And if it is that one is happy with it due to hoping for good end, then one should be happy in this case with the blessings of Allāh upon one not being happy with the praises of people.
As for the second which is for one to be praised by others due to prestige and wealth, then for one to be happy with this praises is as though a person who is happy with a plant that will not last long before drying and breaking into pieces. Off course, no one will be happy with this except the one with short foresight and shallow understanding.
And if it happens that one doesn’t have all the attributes that one is praised for be it knowledge, piety, status and wealth, then for one to be happy with such empty praises is of the peak of madness and stupidity.
And we have mentioned the calamities of being praised in the chapter *Calamities of the tongue,* thus, one should not be happy with such empty praises from others, rather, it is even disliked and discouraged, the way the passed Salaf used to dislike it and hate its doer.
*25th Shawwal, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!