_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
Know verily that, whosoever repents while having wealth of which some parts are Haram and the other parts are Halal, it is wājib on him to separate the Haram from the halal if it is *differentiable*or use equivalents such as grains, cash and fats whose amounts are known.
However, in a case where the Haram mixes up completely with the Haram to the extent that the Haram is unidentifiable, one has two ways to resolve the situation:
*1*. Taking the most likely situation. That is, one will check what is surrounding the property and will judge on it whether it is Haram or Halam.
*2*. Holding to certainty based on piety.
If one is able to fish out Haram money from his wealth and the owner of the money is known, it is wājib to return the money and the profits on the money to the owner.
But if the owner is no way to be found or his inheritors are not found, it is wājib on him to give the money as Sadaqah(charity).
And if one has property which some of the parts of the property are Halal and the other parts are doubtful, one should fear Allah and suffice himself with Halal only.
*12th Al-Muharram, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fēkum!