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Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi-rahimahullāh-


Abūbakr Radiyallāhu anhu said:

Whoever censors his soul for the sake of Allāh, Allāh will save him from his wrath.

Anas Radiyallāhu anhu said that he heard ‘Umar Ibn Al-khāttāb Radiyallāhu anhu saying to himself:

“Unless you fear Allāh, He will punish you.

Know verily, your primary enemy is your own soul, for it commands you to evil. Thus, you are recommended to censor it from its vices. For if neglected, it becomes wild and harden, and you may not be able to control it thereof.

If you keep reprimanding it, it’s likely to be censored, thus, you should never neglect purifying it.

To achieve this, you need to acknowledge the ignorance of the soul by saying:

O Soul, how ignorant you are! You pretend to be intelligent and smart whereas you are stupid and foolish, don’t you know that your abode is either Paradise or Hell? How then should you play while you can’t testify to the exact place you belong to?! And you may be snatched any day by death! Don’t you know that the appointment day is already at the doorstep.

Also, death comes suddenly unaware, it has no specific age or time, rather, it may be in each breath you inhale or exhale. Hence, why are you not prepared for it?! O soul! Your boldness to commit sin thinking that Allāh doesn’t see you implies your unfaithfulness!
If you know that He sees you, you are extremely foolish.

O soul! you cannot bear the punishment of your Lord.

If what’s preventing you from obedience is your desires, then yearn for the eternal enjoyment.

What do you think of a patient who was prevented by doctor from drinking water for three days to restore its Heath so that he can take water for the rest of his life? Should he be patient to refrain from drinking water for three days to restore its life and drink for the rest of his life or rather hold to his desire at the moment and have a serious pain for the rest of his life?

Hence, all your life spans as against the eternal enjoyment which is the pleasure of the people of Jannah and the punishment of the people of Hell is little as against the three days compared to the whole life, in fact, it is little compared to a second as against the whole life in this Dunya.

Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

9th Rajab, 1441H.





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