بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(Hadith on the ruling of eating out of forgetfulness)
عن أبي هريرة-رضي الله عنه- عن النبي- صلى الله عليه وسلم- قال: “من نسي وهو صائم . فأكل أو شرب ، فليتم صومه . فإنما أطعمه الله وسقاه”
البخاري و مسلم.
On the authority of Abu Huraira -radiyaAllahu anhu- who reported that the prophet- salalaahu alayhi wasallam- said:
” Whoever forgets while fasting and he eats or drinks, then let him complete his fast, for verily it is Allah Who has fed him and gave him drink.”
Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
1. Allah, the exalted out of His bounty and favour has overlooked for this Ummah whatever it does out of forgetfulness, mistake or under coercion.
2. The one who ate out of forgetfulness should complete his fast and there is no need to compensate or atone for it.
3. One should still endeavor to remind and stop the fasting person from taking or indulging- consciously or not- in anything that affects his fast.
4. This ruling is general for both the compulsory and the voluntary fast.
May Allah forgive us and grant us jannatul firdous. Ameen.
Jazaakumullahu khayran.
Don’t forget us in your du’a.