_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
As for the evidences of those ulamaa that preferred mingling with other people as against seclusion is the Hadith reported from Ibn Úmar radiyallāhu anhumah- who said-
The Messenger of Allah -salallaahu alayhi wasallam said:
_”المؤمن الذي يخالط الناس ويصبر على أذاهم خير من الذي لا يخالطهم ولايصبر على أذاهم”_
_”A believer who mingles with people and tolerate their harm is better than the one who does not mingle with people and does not tolerate their harm.”_
Transmitted and recorded by Imaam Ibn Majah in his “Sunan”#4032 with a good chain of narrators. Shaykh Al-Albaani declared it as Sahih in Mishkat Al-Misaabih# 5087.
*6th Safar, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!