_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
Saád Ibn Abu waqqas radiyallāhu anhu said:
_”I wish there is between me and people a metal door, so that no one will talk to me and I will not talk to anyone till I meet Allāh subhānah!”_
Ibn Mas’húd radiyallāhu anhu said:
_”Be spring of knowledge and moons at night, stick to homes, renew your Imān(with the remembrance of Allāh)…..”_
Abu Dardah radiyallāhu anhu said:
_”The monastery of a Muslim is his house where he controls his tongue, private part and gaze, Beware of sitting in the market, for it causes distraction and idle talk.”_
Abu Dāwud Attāhï rahimahullāhu said:
_”Run from people the way you will run from lion. “_
Lastly, Abu Muhalhil said:
_” Sufyān Ath-thawrī rahimahullāhu took me to the graveyard and we secluded ourselves, then he cried and said: Ya Aba Muhalhil, if is possible for you not relate with people, do so, your main goal should be how to rectify your affairs. “_
*5th Safar, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!