Daily Posts

Self Censorship and Accountability 02



Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi-rahimahullāh-

For instance, after performing the Fajr prayer, then you should free your heart a while and ponder on your affairs.

Know that, your life is as though your capital, if you lost it, then both trade and profits are lost, and the present day is a new day which Allāh has bestowed upon you as a blessing and extension.

If He Had taken your soul, you would have wished to return to this Dunya to catch up for what you lost of good deeds.

Thus, you should behave as though you were sent back to this world after death, hence, take heed not to waste your time in the least.

Know that a day has twenty four hours only whereby you have twenty four stores. Opening one of them, you find it full of light due to your good deeds, so you become happy due to such light. Opening another store, you find it covered with darkness and emitting bad odour due to disobedience of Allāh. So you become worried and sad. Then opening the third store, you find it empty without anything to count about, It signifies the hour you sleep or preoccupied with things that are permissible. You regret its being empty. Then you attained the same regret or pain of a trader who can gain profits but rejects them.

Therefore, So you should urge your soul and tighten your belt to exert your utmost effort to fill these stores with obedience rather than leaving them empty or filled with wrong doings.

Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

17th Jumādal Ath-thānī, 1441H.





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