Imām Abūl ‘Abbās Ahmad bn ‘Abdul-Halīm bn Taymiyah – Rahimahullāhu
8). وأرد عهدتها إلى نقالها
وأصونها عن كل ما يتخيل
I place the (responsibility of its) authenticity to its narrator.
And I safeguard it from all baseless thought(or imagination)
The Shaykh Rahimahullāhu explained that he considered All Ahādith that fulfilled the conditions of authenticity to be authentic and the responsibility of its authenticity is upon the trusted narrators as long as it’s firmly established from them.
In order word, He is free from the responsibility of its authenticity since he has tried his best to protect himself from fabricated Ahādith and lies. Also, he considered the Ahādīth and verses which talk about the attributes and Names of Allāh Ta’āla as such without metaphoric interpretation nor imagination.
Hence, one should believe in the attributes and Names of Allāh Ta’āla without following the misguided sects in baseless thoughts and metaphoric interpretation.
Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.
11th Dhul-Qa’dah 1441H.