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Sharh of Lāmiyyah of Ibn Taymiyah -rahimahullah 11



Imām Abūl ‘Abbās Ahmad bn ‘Abdul-Halīm bn Taymiyah – Rahimahullāhu

(10) والمؤمنون يرون حقا ربهم
وإلى السماء بغير كيف ينزل

The Believers will certainly see Their Lord
And He do descend to the lowest heaven.


The Shaykh Rahimahullāhu Ta’āla affirmed that the believers will surely see their Lord in Jannah, and he also testified to the fact that Allāh descends to the lowest heaven in the last third of the night. And this is in accordance to the verses of the Qur’an and the authentic AHādīth. The Rasūl Salallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam said:

Certainly you will see your Lord as you see this Moon and you will have no trouble in seeing Him.

Due to the clear-cut evidences in both the Kitāb and Sunnah regarding the seeing of Allāh by the Believers in Jannah, Some ulama upheld the opinion that whoever denies the seeing of Allāh Ta’āla in Jannah is a kāfir. Though some misguided sects like Jahmiyyah, Mu’tazilah, Rāfidah, and khawārij amongst the ibādiyyah sects deny the seeing of Allāh Ta’āla by the Believers in Jannah.

Allāh Ta’āla do descends to the lowest heaven in the last third of the night in a way that is only known to him. Hence, one should believe in the texts of the Qur’an and the Ahādith of the Rasūl Salallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam without metaphoric interpretation.

Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.

16th Dhul-Qa’dah, 1441H.




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