Imām Abūl ‘Abbās Ahmad bn ‘Abdul-Halīm bn Taymiyah – Rahimahullāhu
(12) وكذا الصراط يمد فوق جهنم
فمسلم ناج وآخر مهمل
And Likewise the sirāt shall be spread on the Jahannam
Thus, the Muslim shall be saved while others shall be neglected.
The Sirāt is a narrow path that crosses over the Hell to Jannah which is thinner than human hair and it is very sharp through which all people shall cross over it. Meanwhile, their speed for crossing depends on their deeds. Amongst them are those who will cross like the speed of light, some like the speed of wind, others like horses, and some will just walk over it, some will cross at a slow trot, some will cross by crawling, while some will fall into the Hell, we ask Allāh for safety.
And Jahannam is amongst the names of Hell, may Allāh save us from it. The Muslims are saved In Shā Allāh while the kāfir shall fall into the pit of Hell. The Muslims shall cross over the sirāt while the Kuffār will not be able to cross over it. Rather, they will fall over their face into the Hell, may Allāh save us from that.
Hence, beloved ones, is it not high time to increase our good deeds, prefer the Hereafter over this transitory life so that we can cross over the sirāt with the speed of light? Ponder over this and never delay.
Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.
20th Dhul-Qa’dah 1441H.