Imām Abūl ‘Abbās Ahmad bn ‘Abdul-Halīm bn Taymiyah – Rahimahullāhu
14). ولكل حي عاقل في قبره.
عمل يقارنه هناك ويسأل
For every matured and sane person in his grave
Deeds will keep him company and he shall be asked about them.
Beloved ones, every soul shall taste death, and only deeds shall accompany him in his grave. If the deeds are good, he will have a good companion in his grave and if the deeds are bad, then a bad, fearful companion with a stinky smell shall keep him company. And It is established that good deeds do defend it’s doers. Hence, the Qur’an shall come to intercede for its reciters on the day of Resurrection, likewise zakāt and salah.
Servants will be tried and tested in their grave. A practising Muslim will respond with sound answer to the questions asked by the angels. While the Disbeliever will say: ah, ah, I don’t know. Then he will be beaten with an iron hammer that if it were to be used on a rock it will turn to dust. He will scream and shout but no one to render assistance. Every living thing will hear the sound except the jins and mankind. This shows that the mankind and jins doesn’t hear the sound of the punishment of the sinners in the grave. If they would have heard, they will surely faint. Though, it may be heard for admonition purposes through dreams. Ibn Rajab Rahimahullāh explained this in his book Kitābu Ahwālul qubūr Wa Ahwālu Ahliha Ilan-Nushūr.
Beloved ones, matters of the grave is not a joke. Have you ever imagined this tight dark hole which is your abode? One day, we shall all found ourselves in it. Hasten to beautify your grave so that you can be secured from its punishment. Otherwise, blame no one except yourself. For you have been warned, the message has gotten to you and the Qur’an has been made easy for you for remembrance.
But, is there anyone who will mind?
Allāhu A’alām.
Bārakallāhu fīkum.
Jazākumullahu Khayran.
26th Dhul-Qa’dah 1441H.