Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh- said:
If he doesn’t see to have his life changed with another person’s life, either in general matter or in a specific issue, then, Allāh Has indeed singled him out with certain blessings which are not found with others.
However, if he deems to have his nature of life altered with another person’s way of life, then he should take a look at many people out there who are deprived of such blessings and they are not up to him in status and conditions of life. Hence, why does he glance at those who are superior to him in status not those who are inferior to him?!
In this regard, in the Sahīhayn, from Abī Hurairah radiyallāhu anhu, who said: The Rasūl sallallāhu a’layhi wasallam said:
_”إذا نظر أحدكم إلى من فضل عليه في المال والخلق، فلينظر إلى من هو أسفل منه ممن فضل عليه”_
“When anyone of you look at a person who have been made superior to him in property and in appearance, then he should also look at the one who is inferior to him, and to whom he has been made superior. ”
Transmitted and reported by Imām Al-Bukhārī#6490 and Imām Muslim#2963.
Therefore, if he should check his status and conditions deeply, he would certainly realize that he has been blessed with numerous graces especially that of Īmān, Glorious Qur’an, knowledge, the Sunnah, leisure time, health and security.
And another Hadith, the Rasūl sallallāhu a’layhi wasallam was reported to have said:
_”من أصبح آمنا في سربه، معافى في بدنه، عنده قوت يومه، فكأنما حيزت له الدنيا بحذافيرها”_
” Whosoever begins his day enjoying safety, being healthy in his body, possesses his daily food, it is as if he has held sway over the whole world with its contents”
Transmitted by Imām At-Tirmidhī(7/10).
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!
*20th Jumāda Ūla,1440H.*