_Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullāh-_
Know verily that, even the ulamā were not safe from these great diseases of the heart which are showing off and love of prestige let alone the Masses. Though, these vices are hidden for they are not apparently seen on the organs and they are only attached to the heart.
The devout worshippers and the ulamā were tried and troubles with these vices during their journey to the Hereafter, for when they were able to overcome their heart and safeguard it from the apparent desires, they then forced their heart on the path of ‘Ibādāt, thus their organs was saved from the apparent sins and their heart relax to showing of knowledge and action and it finds itself safe due to struggles from the sweetness of acceptance from the creation, and they(I.e ulama and the worshippers) viewed it(i.e their heart) with respect and honor due to what they thought of its purity.
However, due to such assumption, then great sweetness falls to the heart, and shunning away from sins was then belittled in the heart.
Hence, some of those ulama and the devout worshippers thought that they are really sincere to Allāh Azzawajal in the real sense, but the truth of it is that, their name have been already registered in the dīwān(record book) of the Munāfiqīn, and this is a great deception that no one is safe from it except the ones that are truly close to Allāh.
For this reason, it was said that the last vice that is censured and cured by the truthful ones is the love of pride and prestige.
*9th Shawwal,1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!