Daily Posts

Sitting With Rulers 02



_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_

Know verily that, it is not permissible to be dealing with the tyrant except for two reasons:

*A*. Forcing one towards them and one fears that disputing with them over it may be harmful.

*B* Meeting them solely for the benefit of the Muslims. In this case, it is permissible with the condition that one will not lie to them nor praise them and one will try to pass sincere advice to them.

*2*. Hosting a tyrant ruler. What is wājib in this case, is to answer his salam. As for standing up for him and honoring him, it is permissible if that is done to show the greatness of one’s religion and in order to safeguard oneself from his oppression.

However, if one knows that by not standing up for the tyrant ruler one is saved from his harm and the masses will not see it as a form of disrespect, thus, it is beloved and preferred not to stand up nor honor him. It is also wājib to give him sincere advice and to point out those things he does not know of its impermissibility in the sharia.

*3*. Safeguarding or avoiding oneself from them completely. This is the safest situation, for he has nothing for them and they have nothing to do with him.

However, it is recommended that one should have hatred for them in his heart because of their oppression. One should not wish to meet them nor praise them nor seek for their condition. And one should not move close to a person that might lead one to them.

*15th Al-Muharram, 1438H.*

Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu feekum!



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