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Stages of Zuhd and its Categories.



Imām Ibn Qudāmah -rahimahullāh-

Stages of Zuhd and its Categories.

1). This is a stage where a servant renounces the luxuries of the Dunya, struggles against his Soul not to turn to it but still desires it, this servant is termed as “Seeker of Zuhd” because it’s the beginning of Zuhd.

2). The second stage is for a servant to reject the Dunya willingly without forcing his Soul, but despite that, he still look at what he abondoned, and considers it as something great even though it is not up to what he sacrificed it for. He is as though one who abondoned one dirham for two, this is also a deficient stage.

3). This is the highest stage. This is for a servant to renounce the Dunya willingly, easily, without seeing the Dunya as something noble; since he knows that Dunya is worthless and has no value.

Thus, his stage is like one who gave up a dirty rag in order to have a pearl and that’s a wonderful exchange. The rag is the Dunya while the pearl is the Hereafter.

Know verily, the similitude of the one who renounced the Dunya is as though a person who was prevented from getting to a king by a dog at the gate of the king, he then threw a piece of bread at the dog in order to distract the dog so that he may find his way to the king, do you think that he will consider such act as favor and great in the sight of king as against what he will achieve from the king? Off course No.

Hence, Shaītan is as though a dog at the path of Allāh preventing people from getting closer to Allāh, even though the gate of Allāh is always open and the screen is unvailed, and the Dunya is like the piece of bread. Therefore, is it not a good transaction for one to throw the Dunya to the Shaītan in order to get closer to Allāh?

Also, whatever one attains in this world even if one lives for one thousand years as against that of the Hereafter is little and very merger; since a perishable thing has no value as against something everlasting.

Let alone the life in this Dunya is too short and the pleasures in it are not free from pains and distress.

Allāhu A’alam
Bārakāllāhu fīkum.

10th Safar, 1441H.





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