Daily Posts

The Ādāb (Ethics) of Hospitality

📬 _DAILY POST#266_


_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_

*The Adaab of Hospitality.*

Know verily that, it is beloved to invite and entertain righteous people.

Some pious predecessors said:

*”لا تأكل إلا طعام تقي، ولا يأكل طعامك إلا تقي”*


“Do not eat except the righteous food and no one should eat your food except the righteous one”( However, it doesn’t mean it is Haraam to eat the food of a faasiq. Rather, it is beloved to eat that of the righteous one).

It is recommended and beloved to serve and entertain the poor people rather than the rich ones.

In addition, one should not neglect his friends in entertaining them. By so doing, it will strengthen their relationship. And One should always attend invitation of that of the poor and rich ones.

However, one should not do that in order to show off or brag. But the aim should be as an adherence to the sunnah of the Messenger alayhi wasallam.

Furthermore, one Should not invite those who is difficult for them to answer to his invitation due to one reason or the other.

As for marriage invitation, it is waajib for one to respond to such invitation except one has tangible reason of not attending. If one happens to be fasting, it is still compulsory to respond to the invitation. And if one is fasting voluntary fasting, and one knows that if he breaks the fasting his host will be glad and happy, then it is beloved for one to break the fast.

However, if the food that will be serve in the invitation is *Haraam*and the gathering is built completely on thing that are forbidden in the sharia’ such as music, nudity , then one should *not respond* to such invitation.

Likewise, if the host is an oppressor, sinner or mubtadi’, then one should also not respond to his invitation.

One should not make food as the sole reason of accepting the invitation. Rather, the main reason should be as a way of following the sunnah of our beloved Messenger sallallaahu alayhi wasallam and honoring His Muslim brother. And as a way of safeguarding oneself from suspension from people. For by declining an invitation, one may presumed as a mutakabbir.

On attending the gathering, one should behave in a modest manner among the guest. In addition, If the host has chosen a place for one to sit, one should stick to it.

Lastly, one should avoid looking at where the food is been brought forth, for one might be considered as a greedy person.

*6th Dhul-Hijjah, 1437.*
*8th September, 2016.*

Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!



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