Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi-rahimahullāh-
Explanation On The Asbāb Which Strengthen The Love For Allāh And The Disparity Amongst people In Love For Allāh And Asbāb which Weaken The Mind Of People From Knowing Allāh Ta’āla.
Know verily – may the blessings of Allāh be upon you – that the most happiest person with the best situation in the Hereafter is the one who loves Allāh Ta’āla the most.
The Hereafter means return to Allāh Ta’āla, and being happy with meeting Him. How great the delight of a lover is when he returns to his beloved after longing to meet him and when he sees him without any worry or sorrow.
However, this pleasure depends on the level of the love, the more the love increases, the more the delight.
As for the means to enhance the love for Allāh, then that can be achieved by two major means:
1). Shunning away the luxuries of the transitory life, and renouncing all forms of love other than for Allāh. For one of the Asbāb which weakens the love for Allāh is for one to be preoccupied with the love of Dunya.
Thus, the more one is preoccupied with Dunya, the more one’s love for Allāh becomes weakens.
The love of Dunya and Hereafter are two opposite things which cannot coexist in a single heart.
The best way to renounce the love of Dunya in a heart is to stick to the path of Zuhd, patience, hope and fear of Allāh.
18th Rabī’ul Awwal, 1441H.