Imām Ibn Qudāmah Al-Maqdisi-rahimahullāh-
2). Knowing Allāh Ta’āla leads to Love. And this cannot be attained after renouncing the worldly distraction except with pondering over the signs of Allāh Ta’āla and a constant Zikr, and strong resolve in struggling towards Allāh and meditating on His signs and creations.
As for the Disparity amongst people in Love for Allāh, then know that people generally love Allāh, but they differ in terms of the love in accordance to their knowledge of Allāh Ta’āla.
Most people only know the attributes and names of Allāh without really grasping the true meaning of the attributes.
Whereas, a knowledgeable person with deep insight exert his efforts to know the core meaning of the attributes in his heart thereby recognising the magnificence of Allāh Ta’āla in his heart. And this increases his love for Allāh Ta’āla.
As for the Asbāb which weaken the Mind of people from knowing Allāh Ta’āla, then know that whoever produces a product, then the product shows the presence of its producer, actions and power even if these qualities are not felt with the five senses.
The existence of Allāh Ta’āla, His omnipotence, His knowledge and His attributes are ascertained by all what we can see, be it stones, plants, animals, lands, heavens, stars, oceans.
In fact, our own souls, bodies, various situations and movements first ascertained His existence.
And all what is in the universe ascertained the existence of Allāh Ta’āla who created them and controls their affairs according to His knowledge, Magnificence, Meekness. In fact every atom says with tongue: “I have not created myself, rather I was created by the creator”.
And amongst the Asbāb which weaken the mind is the indulgence of man into desires which has blocked the heart from the light of guidance.
19th Rabī’ul Awwal, 1441H.