Daily Posts

The Awrād of the Day 02



Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-

The fifth wird of the day.

This wird starts from the end of the Zuhr prayer til the time of the Asr prayer. In this wird, one is recommended to engage oneself in Dhikr, Du’a, and all forms of good deeds. And among the Best good deeds is waiting for a prayer after a prayer.

The sixth wird of the day.

This starts from the time of the Asr prayer til the yellowness of the sun. In this time, it is disliked for one to pray supererogatory except before performing Asr prayer. Then one should pray salatu Al-Asr and occupy oneself doing what is recommended in the first wird of the day. And the best is for one is to recite the glorious Qur’an and ponder over its meaning.

The seventh wird of the day.

This starts from the yellowness of the sun until the set of the sun. This is a honorable time about which Al-Hasan Al-Basari was reported to have said:

” The pious predecessors do use the beginning of the day to earn livelihood and glorify Allah. However, they used to glorify Allah at the end of the day more than the beginning of it.”

By the time of Magrib prayer (i.e the set of the sun), the awrad of the day comes to an end. Thus, one is recommended to crosscheck his acts and make amendment. And one should also know that by the end of the day a part of his life has gone.

In this regard , Al-Hasan Al-Basari rahimahullahu said:

O son of Adam! You are nothing but number of days, when a day passes, a part of your life has gone.”

Lastly, one should reflect on whether his day is the same as yesterday in terms of good deeds. If one sees that he has done well through the day, one should express his gratitude to Allah for His tawfiq(guidance.)
And if one sees the opposite(i.e shortcomings), one should make Tawbah and intend to meet up what one missed in the night.

Allaahu A’alam! Baarakallaahu feekum!



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