_Imaam Ibn Qudaamah Al-Maqdisi -rahimahullaah-_
Know verily that, one’s outward manners is a symbol of the inner ones and is an indication of what is in one’s heart. The deeds of the jawārih(joints) are moved by the heart, and deeds are the product of behavior either good or bad. And also, the root of deeds are based on what is in the heart, and the light of the heart lightens the outward deeds and beautifies it.
Thus, whosoever his heart is not humble to Allāh, his joints cannot be humble to Him either, and whosoever his heart doesn’t contain the light of Allāh, his outward manners will not be like that of the prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam.
The manners of the Messenger of Allāh sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam is the best, sound, purest and noblest manners that can be found on earth.
In this context, our beloved mother, ‘Āisha radiyallāhu anha was asked regarding the character of the Rasūl sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam and she responded by saying:
” His character is that of the glorious Qur’an. ”
Transmitted and recorded by Imām Muslim in his ‘Sahih#746.
And Allāh Ta’āla Has indeed praised the Messenger sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam on his good manners. Allah says:
“وإنك لعلى خلق عظيم”
And verily, you conform yourself to sublime morality.
*19th Rabī’u Al-Awwal, 1438H.*
Allāhu A’alam! Bārakallāhu fīkum!